AAAAAAAaa!!!!! i just got out of school and it was fucking retarded 5 to 9 on local 190 history holy shit "thank the maker" that thats the only class like that anyway im all stoked about the oxes isis show on the 25 ganna be sooooooo good every one should come. yup ok i need to think about food
o yeah so im thinking the name for the kitty is grover it started out as rover (from the 60s tv show the prisiner not the dog) but then i thought grover hes my fav muppet and hes yoda shit now i cant deside errrrr i suck at nameing things if i ever have kids ther not going to have names till there 18 then they can name them selves, little bastrds!!!
o yeah so im thinking the name for the kitty is grover it started out as rover (from the 60s tv show the prisiner not the dog) but then i thought grover hes my fav muppet and hes yoda shit now i cant deside errrrr i suck at nameing things if i ever have kids ther not going to have names till there 18 then they can name them selves, little bastrds!!!
ok ok. You are silly. Go with rover I think.
or beeker (sp? favorite muppet)
haha. You just called your future childrens little bastards and it made me laugh a lot.