Evening, wow its been a long time since my last post. not much has happened really. I am stil trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life and easy questions like that are just floating about.

My latest project is to go study in canada but hey well see if I can afford it!

Hope you are all well!
Good luck on figuring everything out! I'm sure everything will be fine in the end smile
I love my pc. It just mislaid my main HD so I am going to be out of it for a while jumping up and down on the ruins of my pc swearing loudly. skull
awww. that's silly. I would hate to not know what went on the night before. I'm usually a good drunk, always know what happened.
I'm back from the vacation. dunno if I am glad or sad about that yet though. It was an amazing trip, going through the baltic cities. The cities were really beautiful and what one could call picturesque. What was of even greater interest were the incredibly beautiful girls to be found in Scandinavia and the eastern balticlove!

Talinn especially was a crazy mix of...
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welcome back! smile
sounds like the most amazing trip!
i just returned from summer holidays as well.
awww.. mopsy the bunny.. that was definitely the best random fact for a while!! my bunnies are allowed to run around everywhere in the house as well.
i hope you have a beauteous day!!
xo ingrid
p.s. i *heart* dEUS
Oh yes, it would be a bad situation if my sister found out, especially since she loves to tattle on me. Umm how old are we? tongue

Wow I'm jealous! I've never gone on a trip like that although it's not like you had to go extremely far like I would have to. But my dream is traveling around the world and taking pictures professionally.
I have been trying to upload a photo to this site but i have no idea if it worked or not. everytime I try to have a look at it, it tells me there was a loading errorfrown damn it. I am not very photogenic whatsoever. I am also lazy so any photos not in digital form I can't be arsed to scan in. I...
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why thank you. I tend to forget I even have a page. I haven't even looked at it in ages.
I really should have kicked that kids ass.
And I know waht you mean. Scanning things is so tedious. I almost never do it. It's all about the digital pics.
Where are you from? Are you actually from Belgium or did it just sound like a good idea to say it when you made your profile? hehe.
Things have been crazy-ass here. We're leaving on Sunday, and there's been a zillion unexpected vet appointments/seamstress visits/things that have needed to be installed/moving and so forth, so I've been running around with my stepmother ever since I got here helping her.
It would have been nice to have met you frown
well I have graduated and I am now back in brussels and am starting to wonder what the hell I could do with my life. For the first time in my life I don't have somewhere I have to be after the summer holidays. In a way they are no longer holidays as such but just a segment of time in which I have no...
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I'm not sure that Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is the best choice for a very first reading in french. Not that the story is not enjoyable: but it's a really long book, the writing has lots of repetitions (having been first published as a feuilleton paid, like, two centimes a line) and full of outmoded mannerisms that would need explanations....
What sort of french book could I recomment to a person with the tastes you mentioned in your "favorite books" line?...I'm afraid there's not a such thing as a french Terry Pratchett! What other book could I tell you of? While giving an eye to the shelves near my computer I'm doing an alarming finding: there are lots and lots of books translated from various foreign languages, a dozen english-written books... and very few french books, especially contemporary french books! Shame on me! A notable exception: in a corner are some books by Amelie Nothomb, I enjoyed a lot... perhaps should I mention "Stupeur et Tremblements", the one I've read most recently.
Kipling said 100 years ago "if you want to teach french to an English boy, give him a french edition of a book by Jules Verne and he will manage to understand it!" (i'm quoting de mmoire and maybe faultily...).... maybe 100 years after the advice is yet valid! For the same reason as above, I would not recommend one of the most massive novels (20 000 leagues under the sea, etc..) but some Verne books are kind of short and humorous, with a touch of nonsense: such as La Chasse au Mtore or Le Docteur Ox. Not the most frequently reprinted ones; however, as you stay in Bruxelles it should be possible, if not easy, to find them in paperback editions.
Writing about this reminds me of something I read some days ago in a newspaper: on France's most recent top 10 bestselling list is the newest Harry Potter! I mean the Order of the Phoenix, that's not already translated in french! It validates, posthumously, Kipling's advice: today's french kids can't wait for3 months before reading a new Harry Potter book, they prefer spend their summer learning english!
smile smile smile

I don't know if my advice is worth reading... at least I didn't procrastinate answering to you!
wink wink wink
just a quick word before I go to the pub!
I have just passed all of my finals and am now finished with University! hurraaa!
I have just received my grades and am rather pleased with myself biggrin
And so without further ado, I bid you all a very nice evening, I'm off to drown in beer
Yay that's really cool! biggrin
Well ok so there has been another wide gap btw postings buthey there is a lot to do here! Plus i have been drunk most days for the past week but that will have to stop now as I have run out of money eeek
Othe than that I am plotting to escape europe for a whie and become a Kiwi, dunno if it will work...
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He he. You should read my friend's ratsonjulia's pages, he keeps one of the best journals here.
smile smile smile
And New Zealand.... judging from what I saw in the LOTR movie, it has amazing lanscapes. Great idea to choose this way for an escape .
I definitely need to escape from here too! I'm getting really drained from working ALL the time!
Well it has been a long while since I postedlast but here I am again finally. I have just come back from my Uni's only ska/punk night this term so am really tired and just a little pissed!
My Degree is now finally finished so I have all the time in the world suddenly which is rather scary!
hope to hear from loads of you...
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Hello verystrange!
Congrats for the Degree!
having all the time in the world... I guess it has to be an uncanny feeling! I wonder if it'll happen to me any soon!
What do you plan to do? Going back home? Staying in the UK?? Travelling the world???
Another day, another hope!
My next exam is on tuesday so wish me luck for that!
I just spent a frustrating half an hour trying to sign up to aim since that is what every one here uses. I wanted to have the nick verystrange but sadly that was already taken! frown
oh well so after trying out a million other things I was finally able...
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I wish you lots of luck!

(a frightening thought, however: how did you manage to FORGET how funny was Rocky horror? I hope you've had your memory well trained since you saw it first, and you don't forget anymore things like that!))

Another two? So, I wish tou twice as much luck as last time!

I can fully relate with your lack in interest for Kipling: I had exactly the same misadventure with Alfred Dblin: after having Berlin Alexanderplatz dissected in German litterature class I couldn't event think of rereading it for pleasure.
For Kipling it was entirely different: first, in France, Kipling is not studied in elementary school; second, when I was, like, 6, my father used to read me The Jungle Book as a bedtime story (I mean, the real stuff, not the Disney ersatz)... you imagine the effects it produced on a young and impressionable Tororo.
I'd read it again several times since, as well as most of his "Empire" novelets and short stories.... in French translations, of course. I noticed that Borges often mentions Kipling as one of his favorite authors and praises his mastery of the English language... so when Kipling was mentioned some days ago in a conversation with ratsonjulia I thought it was time for starting reading it in English....

(unfortunately I'm very busy now and for some weeks will have not so much time for reading)

You're right, I find it too cruel to ask me to pick up a single Borges book!
And merely chosing among them some favorites is a tricky task. You'll not be surprised I mention first Ficciones and Otras Inquisiciones, these are the first ones I've read and they changed forever the way I look at books. The one I open more often is probably El Hacedor, the poems and short-short stories it contains have some of my favorite lines in them.
And you?
I just really messed up an examskull so I am not really in the mood to write much or be prosaic. I think I need chocolate or ice cream!
*hands VS a Hersey bar and a pint of Blue Bell* Enjoy!

Erin's the vain one as you can tell i only have two pics up, but i'm glad you like them!
yea it is ... pukkelpop is comin up very soon again ...
how long do you stay in B.?

went seeing kid koala in the AB the other day ...
do you ever get on aim? or studying to hard 4 your exams?


My head is about to explode from all the things i have been reading, so I thought I'd spend some time relaxing and replying to anything people have left me.

My poor ickle brain! It wasn't made for this. It was made to contemplate lifes really complicated questions like: What shall I have for lunch today? Or where shall I go tonight?

Todays answers to...
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Yep music is the sorce!
Hehe how could I not respnd to the sweet things you say to me? smile I hope sleep finds you and you give that brain of yours a rest tongue
My head is about to explode. I have spent the day reading about Foucault, Baudrillard, Benjamin and other people and I just don't get it! mad

Oh well I am going to go have some food and then whahey its back off to the library to torture myself some more. Aaaarrgghhhh
I think I am definitely developing masochistic tendencies which might at some point have to...
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whereabouts in the UK are you?

So, you liked my robo-rant? Shall i write more, or what?
Hehe you are too cute tongue Thank you for the compliment on my eyes! I must confess that I had to use a program to translate that though! French is certainly not my language lol although if you had said that in sign language I would have understood perfectly smile