There is a hopeful on here that must've blocked me. I keep forgetting that she blocked until I try and "like" her recent set and it tells me I can't. Well I think to myself, I wonder what I did to upset this girl. Then I go back through my old conversations/messages and remember why. For the record, I was all that rude to her, no more rude than I believe she was in the first place. But it's her loss because she is missing out on like and comments. But for the record, here was the exchange....
Unnamed Hopeful 12/7/17
Hi dear.❤
My new set in MR********************
Leave some of your love, and comment!
* - * I hope you enjoy!
ME 12/7/17
Are you soliciting everyone for likes?
Unnamed Hopeful 12/7/17
how are you? Sorry if I bother you!
I'm trying, but I do not seem to exist!
I'm starting to believe that I'm too ugly for a gorgeous website, I'll never become a sg :(
Do not make me sad just ignore me, if you do not like it!
ME 13/7/17
I just don’t think it’s right for hopefuls to message people asking them to check out their sets, people see them, I assure you that.
Please don’t play the “poor ugly me” Card, because you know damn well it’s not true. You’re a beautiful girl, and hot, and you’re not even what I’d go for and I think that. In reality though, statistically the odds of becoming an actual SG are slim. Think how many sets are posted each day... what 10 or 12 or something. And how many of them get picked for set of the day, one a day. So your odds are already 1 in 10, less if you take into consideration established SGs are probably more likely to get chosen.
Sorry if I come off harsh, but put yourself in a casual member’s Shoes. If every hopeful spammed me every time a new set posted, my inbox would be full of messages and no one really wants to talk to me. That’s not fair to me as a person or as a 10+ year member of this site. I get excited to receive messages and then get let down when it’s not really to talk to me.
Good luck and I hope you make it, but don’t let your success on SG set your value for who you are
UNNAMED Hopeful 12/7/17
I'm really sorry! sometimes I feel confused, unhappily for a little lack of patience and lack experience I admit that I felt very bad about spam, I believe that you have woken me up to reality and that I will not do it any more, I thank you for your words, your opinion is important to me.
Maybe today will not be a good day for me. Feeling sad and ugly is part of life, we have good days and bad days, do not worry, I do not tell everyone that I'm ugly because it's bad for me, right? Even because I have to show love itself!
I believe in you, I'm beautiful, the photos are really beautiful, sometimes I do not believe I'm as beautiful as the photos because it's incredible! The photos make me feel wonderful! You are absolutely correct.
My name is T____ L____, I'm 30 years old, I'm from southeastern Brazil!
I have a next set that goes up in 1 month, I hope you enjoy! :D
Unnamed Hopeful 2/13/18