Well come hang out with me Thursday morning. Anyone that follows me enough on here knows for the most part I have two types of post...
1) hey look at me and tell me I’m good looking, post gym, good lighting pics.
2) Involve my favorite person in the world which is my 5 year old son Nathan. Usually selfies with the two of us which usually leads to him getting more likes than me. What can I say, he’s a lady killer.
Even though his school district starts school today, the new kindergarteners have their first real day on Thursday. Monday through Wednesday you go in for a one on one evaluation so the teacher can get a feel for where each individually child is. Thursday I’ve taken the day off of work and I will be there at both drop off and pick up. I am going to be a complete fucking mess. I’m worried he won’t adjust well because he’s spent the last three years in a loosely structured Waldorf Kindergarten/Preschool. He hasn’t been disciplined, he hasn’t be required to sit and listen, he’s been with mostly the same kids for most of the time. It’s scary to think I’m dropping him off to the brand new scenario that I have absolutely no control in. Plus he’s just getting older and older, which has caused me to see how quickly life passes you by. The last 5 almost 6 years have flown by! It’s scary to realize my own mortality and before I know it he’ll be an adult, I’ll be 50, and life is moving to fast anymore