...if mr wiggles has taught me anything its that self-pitying bullshit doesnt win you any favour in a cartoon strip. so ill spare you the misery that was today and project my distaste of all that "is" onto other people...a healthy remedy.
it never ceases to amaze me how unobservant people can be. if cradle of filth turned up full volume, my body cloaked in...
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it never ceases to amaze me how unobservant people can be. if cradle of filth turned up full volume, my body cloaked in...
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Thanks...that thread's gotten a lil crazy though haha. 272 posts! That's a reocrd for me.
I don't even know why i was thinking that except that for whatever reason the thought came to me and i found it vastly unjust that a man should just take in jail and we can laugh at it. There's even a comedy song ehre in the states that one of my local stations plays called "Prison Bitch" which is a comedic melody about being raped in prison. Aside from the first few times i heard it in my younger, less mature days, i haven't really found it too amusing.
I don't even know why i was thinking that except that for whatever reason the thought came to me and i found it vastly unjust that a man should just take in jail and we can laugh at it. There's even a comedy song ehre in the states that one of my local stations plays called "Prison Bitch" which is a comedic melody about being raped in prison. Aside from the first few times i heard it in my younger, less mature days, i haven't really found it too amusing.
Peace, love and understanding, huh? Make mine a double.
Do you find that pretty much anyone you meet at uni disgusts you? I like to think of myself as the hate-everyone-except-for-the-people-who-drink-and-hate-everyone-with-me kind of student.
Oh, and illiterate, but I can deal.
Do you find that pretty much anyone you meet at uni disgusts you? I like to think of myself as the hate-everyone-except-for-the-people-who-drink-and-hate-everyone-with-me kind of student.
Oh, and illiterate, but I can deal.

i was accosted by two particularly nasty forms of
life on my way to uni this morning...
1) guys in cars...WHATS THE FUCKING DEAL.
powertripping spineless little fucktwats. next time
some one beeps at me and says rude shit out the
window i swear im ripping off one of my big mofo
steel caps and hurling it into their fucking windscreen
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may they all die a horrible death caused not by weapons but by my favourite virus; EBOLA. Fuck yeh! Yay for monkies and humans destroying rainforest!

So you're changin your name too then? And you didn't even write to me and explain. What's the world coming to? Next thing you know Queenie will be called CarlaDeville or something. Honestly, the kids these days. 

ho hum.
busy. busy. busy.
i am so.
sunday brought a little suprise. by the name of thomas. who has been overseas for seven months. joy.
i really have nothing to say.
go give mybunny hugs.
interesting how in the space of a few hours we can be sent plummetting down to the bottom of a shit heap for no reason in particular....
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busy. busy. busy.
i am so.
sunday brought a little suprise. by the name of thomas. who has been overseas for seven months. joy.
i really have nothing to say.
go give mybunny hugs.
interesting how in the space of a few hours we can be sent plummetting down to the bottom of a shit heap for no reason in particular....
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no worries....seeya Saturday!!
From observation, I have found that Goths dont dance, they sway to the soundwaves produced by the music as they are so weak, drugged out or cos it looks cool. 
[Edited on Sep 02, 2003]

[Edited on Sep 02, 2003]
time thumps soft like blood..my body is a raised word..
i am dilating and lascivious..i am monotone..
dark thoughts interrupt..the sick inside my blood..
im so fucking stoned.
i am dilating and lascivious..i am monotone..
dark thoughts interrupt..the sick inside my blood..
im so fucking stoned.
Straight people don't know, what your about
They put you down and shut you out
you gave to me a new belief
and soon the world will love you sweet leaf
Just imagine that riff churning after the verse!
They put you down and shut you out
you gave to me a new belief
and soon the world will love you sweet leaf
Just imagine that riff churning after the verse!
urm just everything.... my grandmother hqaving breast cancer... I sat with her inthe hospital all day yesterday and it just brought me back to when my dad was so sick... my dad was in hospital for almost 3 years on and off with varying health issues... the last one being aeosophagus cancer... I'm overworked totally stressed... I havent earnt more than $250 a week for the past 2 months.... I'm in debt up to my eyeballs... my boyfriend is going totally broke supporting me... I'm $2500 in debt to my friends and my boyfriend....
Icant afford to eat at the moemnt let alone pay rent... my mother has 2 operations that she has to get done in the next 6 months.... it was my brothers 11th birthday last week which freaked me out...
its just LIFE you know...
fucking life SHIT that drives me up the wall....
Ive gotta go.. i'm going to go and sit with my nan today... hopefully she can get out ... but we dont know whether she is going to need chemo yet or a double radical mastectomy....
I'm just tired... tired and cranky.... and I cant remember anything at the moment I have anxiety amnesia which gives me more anxiety cause I know I need to be doing something and I'm so busy at the moment but I dont know what Ihave to do.. so I just ru naround in this daze freaking out cause people call me and go.. you were supposed to do this ... or you were supposed to that blah blah blah
Icant afford to eat at the moemnt let alone pay rent... my mother has 2 operations that she has to get done in the next 6 months.... it was my brothers 11th birthday last week which freaked me out...
its just LIFE you know...
fucking life SHIT that drives me up the wall....
Ive gotta go.. i'm going to go and sit with my nan today... hopefully she can get out ... but we dont know whether she is going to need chemo yet or a double radical mastectomy....

i say fuck it...im taking the day off...i havent slept since friday...my nerves are shot to shit and im wired like a badly assembled vietnamese desk light...wont be generating any intelligent thought for a while now & much to my dismay i already find myself staring down the barrel of some fails...i am an apathetic vegetable...cook me up & fry me with lentils...
snake river...
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snake river...
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just popping in to say hello to 60ft's lover! HELLO
I had to give my woosk (thats not her name, but she puffs up when you say woosk at her) away. Shes living with my boyfriends parents.
Pretty tortose shell ragdoll kitty.... Hehe she bites....
Pretty tortose shell ragdoll kitty.... Hehe she bites....
late night catechism speaks me to sleep..a lethal dose of narcissism conquers the beast ::i cant remember
how i got my last scar:: early mourning exorcisms
keep me awake..sevenstars surround me as I burn like a saint ::i cant remember why my knees are so sore:: there once was a girl who suffered from sickness..mouth was distorted from razor sharp kisses..tried to pretend it was...
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how i got my last scar:: early mourning exorcisms
keep me awake..sevenstars surround me as I burn like a saint ::i cant remember why my knees are so sore:: there once was a girl who suffered from sickness..mouth was distorted from razor sharp kisses..tried to pretend it was...
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bring it on bitch! i will be the best fuck you ever had! and I have the sneaking suspicion you mine as well....
*drools* one day I will have you screaming for more....
*drools* one day I will have you screaming for more....
leave it all up to me
have a great day!

two pieces of shit news...
1) im quivering in my boots...
a staff member just kicked my door down (well not really but she broke in with a master key) cos the girl i live next door to thought i had topped myself and was running around creating a big stir & spreading rumours abt my alleged "destructive ways". they had been calling and bashing...
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1) im quivering in my boots...
a staff member just kicked my door down (well not really but she broke in with a master key) cos the girl i live next door to thought i had topped myself and was running around creating a big stir & spreading rumours abt my alleged "destructive ways". they had been calling and bashing...
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Heh, well it livened up my dismal little day...
Ok my turn....
3 ways lol
1 girl
1 boy and
1 well im sure i dont need to elaborate... but if i do, lets just say i got my brown wings
Ok my turn....
3 ways lol
1 girl
1 boy and
1 well im sure i dont need to elaborate... but if i do, lets just say i got my brown wings
Tell me when and where you need the artillery support and I'll have the place flattened.
so im sitting here trying to write a paper and all these dumb punks (in the literal sense of the word as opposed to the rad sex-pistols&safetypins one) are having a party downstairs and for some reason I actually want to go down and smash piss with them even tho I hate them & every thing they stand for (which amounts to very little ie....
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hmmm, yeah a 30 hour drive is nothing!.. especially for some kick ass boots..
.. i have never been to Canberra.. Good luck with your study.. what are you studing by the way??

heh... freya is a darling girl... yay! come and stay with me!!!!
hmmm we could be in melbourne by october.... I hope we are.... urgh... this is all starting to get to me
xx angelbumpoohead
oh oooh I love being touched around the stomach especially side stomach.. it makes my tummy do this funny flutter involuntarily....
hmmm we could be in melbourne by october.... I hope we are.... urgh... this is all starting to get to me
xx angelbumpoohead
oh oooh I love being touched around the stomach especially side stomach.. it makes my tummy do this funny flutter involuntarily....

seems my coital exploits have always been tainted by controversialitybeing the eternal instrument of others infidelity isnt as great a role as it soundssuch exploits make for great stories but they certainly dont do much for my moral standing, integrity or self-image for that matter im amazed that I havent pissed off & instilled profound distrust in as many people as I probably should havealthough...
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"Coital Exploits" should be the name of a very loud and raucous band! 

wewl schpotted sishtaaa!!!!
I'm half maltese!!
I'm half maltese!!

spent an interesting afternoon with my ex...actually it was incredibly dull & depressing...hanging out with her is like hanging out with a mirrorr...she always directs the conversation back to how miserable she is...& all this self-indulgent narcissistic angst which is disturbingly similar to my own...its like shes got her fuckn arm down my throat & is ripping all the words out of me...then spewing them...
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it can be very difficult to hang out with a mirror. i love the rain myself. it's not that much fun on my bike but once you get soaked you cant get any wetter so it becomes great fun.
so sick...sad...pining for alex...
Checking in to see you're still with us ...
Great to see you're still around. Things will get better though, just hang in there.