Unpacking is so much fun. I opened a giant box labeled "Animals" and look what I got:
It's just like Christmas...if Christmas meant you got a giant box of Godzillas.

It's just like Christmas...if Christmas meant you got a giant box of Godzillas.
Thanks for the suggestion! It's less about the fashion/style aspect of things, more about the "how much is reasonable" sort of questions. It's not as if there's any guide to this sort of thing. As a techie, there's an expectation that I won't dress like a sales-person, for instance, but I feel out of place going everywhere in jeans even if the rest of me is dressy. And trousers baffle me. I may just have to get over my discomfort with skirts and dresses, and find some that don't make me feel like I'm a little girl going out on Easter Sunday.
Oh, and thanks re: the Spoon Man comment