It's finally Friday. Fuck, this week was long. Next week is expected to seem even longer.
I have a headache and cramps and I'm not allowed to take any ibuprofen or acetaminophen because of the retarded medication I have to take for my back. THAT is annoying.
ANYWAY, I think I am going to shoot a set for Bunneh today. I don't really have any idea what her idea is. Well, no, I have a vague idea of what she wants to do. But it is one of those unplanned type deals where we are just going it.
WHY is it that unplanned things usually go better????????
You take an assload of time to plan something out and it always ends up as shit.
Then you do something improptu and it turns out awesome.
So basically she is going to come here and we are going to figure something out.
Last time we planned it out pretty well and it turned out fairly good, but it didnt get accepted. BUT I have a better idea of what SG wants now and I think I can do that if my camera will do what I want it to do.
I'm still secretly trying to figure out the digital world...haha. I mean I use digital and I probably know as much as the average digital camera user....BUT I don't kick ass with the digital. I can manage it and turn out some okay pics but
give me a 35mm and I will kill. In the good way of course.
In any case, I have confidence that our improptu photo shoot will turn out good. And if not, I still get to hang out with Bunneh, which is always good. ♥
ASCII characters are weird. I like how they are just random numbers.
I don't know what the above symbols will turn out to be. I just picked random numbers. Maybe those numbers dont even have a corresponding character.
Oh shut up, you know that I am easily amused.
I have a headache and cramps and I'm not allowed to take any ibuprofen or acetaminophen because of the retarded medication I have to take for my back. THAT is annoying.
ANYWAY, I think I am going to shoot a set for Bunneh today. I don't really have any idea what her idea is. Well, no, I have a vague idea of what she wants to do. But it is one of those unplanned type deals where we are just going it.
WHY is it that unplanned things usually go better????????
You take an assload of time to plan something out and it always ends up as shit.
Then you do something improptu and it turns out awesome.
So basically she is going to come here and we are going to figure something out.
Last time we planned it out pretty well and it turned out fairly good, but it didnt get accepted. BUT I have a better idea of what SG wants now and I think I can do that if my camera will do what I want it to do.
I'm still secretly trying to figure out the digital world...haha. I mean I use digital and I probably know as much as the average digital camera user....BUT I don't kick ass with the digital. I can manage it and turn out some okay pics but
give me a 35mm and I will kill. In the good way of course.
In any case, I have confidence that our improptu photo shoot will turn out good. And if not, I still get to hang out with Bunneh, which is always good. ♥
ASCII characters are weird. I like how they are just random numbers.
I don't know what the above symbols will turn out to be. I just picked random numbers. Maybe those numbers dont even have a corresponding character.
Oh shut up, you know that I am easily amused.

Sorry your hurting...I hate not being able to take care of things like headaches because of some bullshit other thing.