I frame butterflies, beetles, lots of different bugs. Insects are the major part of all living species on earth, it's so huge, so diverse and so detailed, it's impossible not to be passionate about them ! It's my passion for as long as i remember. I used to run everywhere with my net as a kid.
If you look thru my pictures you can see i have many butterflies tattoos, several spiders tattoos, beetles, snails, praying mantis, etc. Just love them ! I raise some of them, i love watching them. They don't live for very long so I'm glad i'm framing them (after their natural death) so people can enjoy their prettiness forever.
Anyway, apart from living my passion, my fave thing about this job is being amazed everyday at nature, being able to see every detail of every little insect, taking the time to appreciate them, appreciate how nature does things well. It makes me feel i'm part of something very big on this earth and that nature never makes mistakes.
To show you, here are many pictures i took during my work :
I think insects are the most beautiful things ever and so underrated. Don't you think ? @rambo @missy
All these pictures are from my instagram La Bête Noire