That may be very silly but it has to be basic, right ? @rambo @missy
I will say
1/ Cooking
You should be able to take care of yourself, you are what you eat ! Cooking is not hard ! Stop depreciating yourself, it's not an adult thing to make a good dinner ! Read more about #adulting
2/ Start a conversation with anyone
I'm very shy and it's hard for me to do so, but i always try to do that and i'm always amazed at how easy it usually is, and it makes me feel good after because it has not always been like that at all. Every great adventure and relationship starts with a conversation ! Strangers will stay strangers until you give them a chance to let you know them.
3/ Forgive people
People are people and they always do what they think are right. Sometimes it's not, but it's never your fault. They are responsible for their actions and their life, there is nothing you could have changed, you are not responsible for other people choices. What they did to you say everything about THEM, and in no way are defining you. Forgive others not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace of mind.
xoxo from Denmark, tomorrow Iceland !