Everything is looking up tonight..... hopefully it will last.... it might just be the caffiene speaking,,, i really feel good.... oink bok miao!! biggrin
Yeah, I see what you mean. I'm pretty much drowning in the current, but I really don't want a real job. I wish I were kidding...but I don't remember how to do anything.
I'm so glad to see someone other than myself want to own a cafe one day. As we all know, caffiene is our friend +o)
Okay,,, this is it Wensday, and Friday.... Then i have no more obligations with school,,.... I cant wait to hit the road.... oh the excitment,,,, last time i tried to travel work got in the way... Well hopefully everything will be clear sailing for the next couple months..... Where to start,,, Boston,,, NY.... well either way... im heading south,, then south west.... i'm going to...
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wo! it's me! thanks man, i was just about to comment on your hotness!
oh man,,,, Linz, you have made me blush,,,, a somewhat dull day, has a nice glow to it now.... thanks...!
I didnt get the job at the Cafe,,,, they dont ahve enough buisness to hire anyone yet.... Fuck.... oh well... I am not in dire need for another job....besides i had plans to travel starting january.... so now i can finally make my way across teh country at my own pace.... fuck touring and venues... just me, my VW, and nothin else.....

Pacific NW, here...
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i use to live in a tree house here in the pacific NW...well actually it was a cabin that was two stories up on stilts cause there was a river in the back yard but it was surrounded by redwoods and being half way up to the trunks definently made it feel like a tree house. as beautiful as it was after two years i needed to be on solid ground again. something about the way the house would sway back and forth made me feel unstable. though i bet you would love the little town of guerneville it was in. it is surrounded by redwood forest and has a river that runs through it and the best part....it's home to the best vegan reasturant in the world (Sparks). many blessings on your travels.
I hate filling out job aplications..... i feel like im trying to sell myself.... Every job ive ever had, i didnt fill out shit,,, i just asked for the job, and showed up...... I guess we will see how working for the more traditional cafe will work out.... I miss the Beehive.
wha what?
i never had to fill out any job applications either until i applied for my last job. the scariest thing was getting called in for an interview, and have 6 people on the interview team. talk about selling yourself. i was so nervous i am surprised that i was able to talk. good luck..
The count down begins, Two more weeks of school, and then just a month till New Mexico....I used to think about going to culinary school all the time,, but i didnt think i would trade Art School in for it. Oh well, i can always come back.....
a vegan artist synth builder?
you rock!
i costume build synths if your interested..... im working on costume built vegans. but thats a little tricky... you know, with all the genetic codeing and the like....
i hope that its true! things with abby are so unclear, im ready to let things just be... its going to make me horribly depressed... but what ever,, i cant control the choices she makes...... if someone comes along,,, im just going to let things happen....i know that if we could just get past some issues, we would be fine,,,, but it is going to...
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Chicago is not worth it anymore,,,,, i really dont wish to go back to PA yet,, because ill be living there again in two years, when i work on opening my coffee shop..... where should i go in the mean time.... for some reason i want to head to alaska,, but overseas sounds good to..... i need to go far far away,,,,, somewhere no one...
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i am moving out of chicago also. and, odd, want to open a coffeeshop/venue. good luck.... chicago is sucking major ass right now.
I am so sick of loveing someone who hesitates to show her love for me...the rollercoaster relationship needs to become a little more steady or maybe i should get off it.... Sometimes i dont even understand what im feeling. I was always the strong one till now... but for to long now it seems that it would be easier to just off myself then try...
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It would be nice if for a month we could all pause life and live these fairy tales you speak of-

so where's the remote control?
Yup, fairy tales.

you sir, need a labotomy. then you'll be dumb enough to fall for that love crap.
The trip to PA was a success. The noise we made with mass emailings, and some phone calls to local media was effective in shutting the pigeon shoot down.... Not one gun was fired the whole day of the planned shoot.... Score one for the good guys! Im still fucking beat from the weekend though,,, i had to stay up for close to 48 hours,,,...
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wow, i wish i did stuff like that. how long have you been like that?
seven years and going strong......its funny, the weekend of the scheduled hunt, an old friend and i where hanging out for the first time since we lived together 3 years ago,,,, Talking about old times.... its so fucking depressing that all our old friends have decided to retire from animal rights.... fucking sell outs..... i guess the animals will just have to save themselves, the revolution will just have to wait.
I sure do hate hunters..... i have to go to PA in about 15minutes...... Some gun club is holding a Piegon Shoot..... Its alot more bloody then one would think.... most of the time they dont die from the gun shot, but from being stomped on via, the collectors.... young boys get sent out to the fields to stomp the piegons to death, rip off...
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well, fair enough. I was just speaking an opinion, and was expecting an answer, so fair enough. The U.S. military an terriorist organization? Someday you will grow up and get away from all the anger and "conspiracy theory" crap of the so called underground. Trust me, I know, I was straight edge for 12 years, and I used to be in courage crew, running around feeling high and mighty, and believing all the crap I read in 'zines and all the propaghanda that gets handed out at shows. I also lived in Chicago for four years, and that "scene" in that whole area is known for that whole one sided scene. Don't get me wrong, I wholheartedly support your right to feel and act as you do, but if you are still the same in 5 years, It will be amazing. But I regress, to the point at hand, how can the U.S. Army fight a trench warefare war against an enemy who won't show their faces? They act as cowards and blindside our country in an attack, and then run and hide amongst the Afgan population. We can only fight on the terms we are given. I'm not your usual soldier, I'm not some meat-head who misses high school football practice and joined the Army for a chance to beat people up. I come from the inner city, and a family who has no money, so the Army G.I. Bill was an attractive option so I can get an education. The pay off is I may have to unfortunatley put my life on the line so I can defend your right to your beliefs, even if I disagree with them. I just thought I should clarify, since you seemed to be grouping me in with those military types that are all just "kill, kill, kill", which I am absolutley not. There are aspects of the military that I hate just as much as you, but like I said, it was an ends to a means. However, I do my job with pride, and I believe in my country, and will defend it. For those who think we are so wrong, remember that should your town or city be attacked and you come screaming for help and defense from the U.S. Army. (Which Chicago is a likely target for attacks) Anyway, I want to make it clear that I respect your views, I just think you should respect others and be careful how you present yourself. I actually welcome your comments. I would much rather argue points with an intelligent person than un-informed idiots.
yeah, OK. VeganJihad, I am so happy that you went to PA and protested the pigeon murderers. So to that army guy, you should be offended about the murders that are really going on, like those murders of innocent animals. veganjihad isn't really hurting anyone by what he says in his profile, unlike the bastards with guns, shooting pigeons for sport, who say nothing with words, but gunshots. why don't you go and tell them that terrorism offends you, because in reality, that's what those people are- pigeon terrorists, and that's the truth. They're the ones killing for real. what the fuck did animals ever do to deserve that?