Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!!
It was awesome! The company party blew chunks so I bailed early and decided to hang out with my real friends instead. We got drunk, of course, watched gay dudes manhandle each other, made fun of the pretty boys, and flirted with their dates
No older chick action but I did get action from a younger lady who was basically down for whatever with no strings attached. ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!! I've known her for a while because we know the same people so we keep running into each other. She's only a whole 10 years younger... Dirrrrty old dude in tha hizouse!!!
But she's way cool and it wasn't the slightest bit awkward after.
My actual birthday I spent at the Science Museum in Balboa park with my wonderful kids who had a blast. Then I got to see a rad come from behind victory from the Bolts. And then I played the best game of mud football in history where I got two sacks, an interception, and a sprinkler head in the back. Mind you I was the smallest dude playing
So yeah, one of my better ones.
A thing of beauty...
We weren't playing rugby but it was the same principle.
My favorite charger girl. She dressed up as the hottest Snow White for Halloween.
I knew he'd win. Mac Danzig is just one badass bipolar grumpy funny mutherfucker.
Can you say ownage? Huerta is just a fun fighter to watch, win or lose.
I can't wait for this rematch!!!
I have a feeling we'll see this:
Not to mention what might be the fight of the year...
Happy fucking Monday dudes!!!!

It was awesome! The company party blew chunks so I bailed early and decided to hang out with my real friends instead. We got drunk, of course, watched gay dudes manhandle each other, made fun of the pretty boys, and flirted with their dates

No older chick action but I did get action from a younger lady who was basically down for whatever with no strings attached. ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!! I've known her for a while because we know the same people so we keep running into each other. She's only a whole 10 years younger... Dirrrrty old dude in tha hizouse!!!

My actual birthday I spent at the Science Museum in Balboa park with my wonderful kids who had a blast. Then I got to see a rad come from behind victory from the Bolts. And then I played the best game of mud football in history where I got two sacks, an interception, and a sprinkler head in the back. Mind you I was the smallest dude playing

So yeah, one of my better ones.


A thing of beauty...

We weren't playing rugby but it was the same principle.

My favorite charger girl. She dressed up as the hottest Snow White for Halloween.

I knew he'd win. Mac Danzig is just one badass bipolar grumpy funny mutherfucker.

Can you say ownage? Huerta is just a fun fighter to watch, win or lose.

I can't wait for this rematch!!!

I have a feeling we'll see this:

Not to mention what might be the fight of the year...

Happy fucking Monday dudes!!!!

It's called "Broken Bridge" I wanted to go back and title it but man the site is so slow. I don;t want to keep messing up. It is beautiful. Bridges are very symbolic for me.
Thank you for that. I love that scene.