I really liked this one. The first one was scarier though.


It was just the hard drive that was dead. Sucks because I didn't backup before it went silent, but there wasn't anything too important on it. What really blows is that I don't have my Adobe suite anymore and I can't find my cd's. Oh well... time to move onto CS anyway.
But my friend has the same Powerbook so we switched hard drives and his booted up fine in my laptop. I'm relieved because getting a new hard drive is mucho cheaper than buying a whole new unit.
All this one needs is a gig of ram and an airport card and it is good to go! Awesome when things workout!

So... still no internet at home so I'll still be scarce on her. I think I caught up with most everyone since the weekend.
I ADORE this movie!

I love that Rob Machado and Kelly Slater star as themselves as penguins!!! And you can't beat "the Dude" as the voice of Big Z / Geek!
So yeah. That's it for me. Oh yeah... my friend was supposed to loan me the Black Sheep horror movie but I think his place is on fire and shit. Sucks to be in South Cali right now.
Peace out Napoleons!


It was just the hard drive that was dead. Sucks because I didn't backup before it went silent, but there wasn't anything too important on it. What really blows is that I don't have my Adobe suite anymore and I can't find my cd's. Oh well... time to move onto CS anyway.
But my friend has the same Powerbook so we switched hard drives and his booted up fine in my laptop. I'm relieved because getting a new hard drive is mucho cheaper than buying a whole new unit.
All this one needs is a gig of ram and an airport card and it is good to go! Awesome when things workout!

So... still no internet at home so I'll still be scarce on her. I think I caught up with most everyone since the weekend.
I ADORE this movie!

I love that Rob Machado and Kelly Slater star as themselves as penguins!!! And you can't beat "the Dude" as the voice of Big Z / Geek!
So yeah. That's it for me. Oh yeah... my friend was supposed to loan me the Black Sheep horror movie but I think his place is on fire and shit. Sucks to be in South Cali right now.
Peace out Napoleons!

You made me laugh with your ex wife comment.