Of course it's been a while, and for two very good reasons! 1 my life is pretty boring (and i like it that way) 2 because i'm incredibly lazy!! ^.~
So what is new?!? Well first of all i've had a change of jobs, and yes i know, again?! ha! well i tried retail for about 2 months and it made me want to rip my hair out, and thanks to the amount of dying over the years there really isn't much to do that with.
I've been out of it for far too long and i just hate the general structure and way of doing things. Basically i cant conform like i use to, and why should i?!It's definitely not what i would ever willingly put myself through again. But Lucky for me one of my closest friends works in care for adults with learning difficulties and she was looking to hire a new member of staff and thought i would be perfect for job role, i wont bore you with details. But mannnn do i love it! exactly up my street! I get to make a difference in peoples lives, something i'm incredibly passionate about!
Admittedly it's not quite enough for me, because little old naive me has these grand ideals of changing the world. Although I do have a complete understanding that i never can, not really, but it doesn't curb the thirst to at least try! Because lets face it, life is way too short not to! The thing is changing the world would be incredible but sadly unobtainable so i set myself about trying to change the few lives i can. I started to write a book, not a sad book outlining my own experiences that pushed me to the mind set i'm now at, but instead a guide that can be willingly followed to ensure others quality of life, well thats the plan. Because my idea of changing the world is a simple one, i want people to be happy, to open their eyes to what real happiness is, to push them to be the very best version of themselves, and to have the courage to chase dreams they have, that every single one of us have, but sometimes we're the biggest catalyst that holds us back.
I would say this is a bit deep for sg but it really isn't, because this website is incredible in so many ways! As it embraces diversity and just general differences, it gives people a voice to express themselves in such creative and unique ways. and not even a voice, it's also a positive visual representation of people celebrating differences. Is it obvious i've been drinking yet?! ^.~
it's always seems to tap harder into my appreciation for all that is wonderful with this world, and i could never be sorry for that. Which lets face it seems to be a quality far to many of us have but allow to become tarnished by the daily grind of life. okay now i feel i'm digging deeper, so i'll pull back slightly. Ever listened to if 'What if punk rock never happened' by 'The King blues'?! if not listen to it, do yourself that favour right now. because it has a beautiful message. 'Be whoever the fuck you wanna be' so i'll leave you with that =)
Thanks as always, for just being you!