monday mornings - yay

went and saw suspect zero last night with ben kingsley - (well, not "with" ben kingsley, i went with my wife) but it was pretty good...

why don't you tell me the best part of your wkends?


ethan embry! (he used to go by ethan randall)
he was in empire records and can't hardly wait (he played that girl from 6 feet under's best friend) he's so cute.
i like gwenyth paltrow too, i'm jealous of her because i have a giant crush on her husband, chris martin. i think the name apple kicks ass. i also think they could be lying to the press because they want people to leave their baby alone. its a possibility.

[Edited on Aug 30, 2004 6:08PM]
can you make art out of me
great wkend so far!!!! Dave Chappelle played a last minute gig down in Miami so we went down friday like an hour after getting a newsletter online from the Miami Improv - it was pretty funny though he mostly just talked with everyone about current events. i'm just glad we got to see him...

today we went to a mercedez benz drive-a-thon that was tits!...
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dave is so damn funny.

only eight cones? i could beat that blindfolded. wink

i'm afraid not to keep in shape, i use to be chubby when i was in the 5th grade. people use to make little comments about my weight, including my dad, so i never want to be like that again.
awwww... are you ok? that gym, shes a bitch.
yeah i've watched a little of the olympics, and yeah canada sucks. just wait until the winter ones though. jk. i really like watching the diving.
you shoud come read my/riley's journal entry. its a pretty interesting read. eeek

nothing new, workin on tee designs for a couple clients... start new job on monday doin the same - still looking for something better though whatever

my soup is done, i don't know, ask me something ooo aaa
1- in tenth grade, my friend's boyfriend poured chocolate milk on me during lunch, so i dumped mashed potatoes on him. then she jumped in and freaked out and tried to beat me up. the principals had to physically restrain her. we both wound up with iss, but i got stuck with it on my birthday. it wasn't so much embarrassing as it was just plain hilarious, but then the iss just sucked. whatever
2- tenth grade was a busy year.
3- this changes a lot, so after 6 months, i'd probably be stuck with silence. but right now, "all girl summer fun band!" self titled. soo mucchh funnn! biggrin
4- MY HUGE JEW NOSE. haaha, no, i just don't have a digi cam.
5- any molly ringwald movie, circa the 80s. i wish i was around for more of the 80s. i got screwed. mad
if i went to my highschool reunion, i think it would just make me realize how much i still hate it.

rocky raccoon by the beatles and rust by zakk wylde

[Edited on Aug 28, 2004 11:24AM]
went on client hunt today, got a couple...

saw the exorcist last night - kinda sucked but didn't expect much - can't compare to original ya know...

otherwise, wondering which sg to vectorize next??? any suggestions/fav pics?

oh! doin the mercedez benz rip and ride this wkend - should be fun beatin the shit out of $80K yuppie rides and makin the instructor's balls sweat!! biggrin
Sorry about that dio was a typeo. I mean t Dia de los Muertos. The day of the dead. The art work for it is usually skeletons made up in some pretty unique styles. The whole reason for this piece to my little way of celebrating my hispanic heritage while sparing me from the flags and the Virgin de Guadalupe. wink
This is an idea I had from when I was about to apprentice. Part of the cost for them to teach you is for the machines and equiptment. Though keep in mind all artists aren't like that...HOWEVER my idea was to go out and buy my own. The way I look at it is this.

Go ahead and ask them if maybe that's part of the cost. Then if it is ask them what kind of machines to look into. That way you can check out places like ebay and the tattoo magazines. I totally believe in the power of ebay though biggrin

That way maybe you have something to take off of the cost AND when you go to them you have a kick ass portfolio and the equiptment to get the job done. Don't get me wrong it's still going to be pricey...but hey teaching you is costing them money. wink
chillin at home

workin on designs...

had a shitty interview this morning...

tiger army's currently on my itunes revolving list...

wife is out - didn't feel like it

nothing interesting - ahhhh bye

1. Tell me about the first time you felt up a girl's tits?
2. Whats the meanest and most horrible thing you've ever done?
3. Do you have msn? (then me and your mom could wave at you from my web cam, and give you a tour of my living room, and you could watch me type.)
that was a hot story... you naughty boy. i like that you said you were nervous, its just cute, i can kinda picture it.
your mean story was pretty damn mean. at least you seem to feel guilty... so i won't tell your mom.
i had a good weekend. i worked during the day yesteday, then rob and i went to see Garden State at the theater last nite. my brother is still here and it appears that he's staying until September. his girlfriend left to go back to Kelowna today so he's sad and mopey. he probably won't see her again all year and they agreed to see other people, but you know how it is... he's crazy about her. he's going to be a student this year and, therefore, very poor. today i slept til 3pm and just hung out. i met the girls i used to work with at a restaurant (Moxie's) and they had a little goodbye party for me. they had collected $$ and paid for my supper and drinks, plus gave me a $100 gift certificate for St Vital Mall. It was nice, except all we did was bitch about other people at work all nite. Moxies make the best margaritas though, yum.
i'm feeling good now. its nice to know that you're missed.
hurry up with the msn thing. smile kiss
Just downloaded some ol DRI mad.L/ flashing horns

i want a smiley with a mullet and one rockin out!!!!

Broke down and went to doc today; got a fuckin ear infection, blah blah blah can't hear... ya, i know - my P%SSY hurts...

i've got jack goin on this wkend, entertain me an idea will ya... i've been workin on so much art my eyes...
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Thanks for the input biggrin I'm glad you dig the idea but there's a third image to put with the name...I'm no longer working at the record store...so it also involves parting with my job to do what I love wink
i went to dc to visit my aunt a few years ago, and both of my ears got infected. i think that was the most misrable weekend i've ever had. i hope you infection clears up quick.
hmmmm, doctor's appointment tomorrow morning - need meds and my ear is jacked up that worries me - my mom had some weird infection and lost her hearing in one ear so i'm paranoid whatever ...

it's been bothering me for about a month frown

i sent Missy a note today about an idea - i hope she decides to respond. i get really passionate about certain...
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I hope everything went well with your doctors appointment. More over I am terribly curious about your idea! C'mon do tell! wink
c'mon, you can tell me you're secret... we're best friends aren't we? wink
you're mom's super fun, she's been buying the booze for my nonstop party apartment all week. she says to say "s'up?"
hope the appointment went well and that yer ear is ok. kiss
I just went and saw Casper and Damien Bart about an apprenticeship... eeek, it's alot of cash to get started! I can't swing it right now so i need to save up some loot frown

So, I'm kinda bummed but it's something to look forward to... anyone interested in investing $12 g's? smile
Might I suggest a wonder bra? I mean you'd still have to stuff it but it would lift up what you got! j/k wink Hanging out at the shop is a monumentaly good idea. Hanging out and making friends with the guys that work there is a deffinate way to show that you are dedicated to becoming a tattoo artist and that you aren't just there to get ink and leave. When you first start out I'm not going to lie it's no glamour job. You'll basically start by being the shop bitch...but in the long run it's sooo worth it! I'm not trying to be miss smarty pants but I spent a great portion of my teen years studying the art of tattoo. I'm a body mod nerd basically.

As for my stuff it's going to take a little while as I'm being greedy and using a lot of new ideas for myself. The way I look at it...I'm using me to make my styke prototypes. As for guys clothes and making them look neat well...that's a no brainer. I have tons of ideas for stuff for my husband. I just need to get the equiptment together to start making some of that stuff. If you're serious about finding some neat stuff...I can throw a few ideas your way and see what you think. That and it's cool to hear what a guy wants in unique clothing.
I really like the vector!!

Thanks a lot!
alright, enough ron jeremy already - i could give a lesser shit about porn stars... moving on...

any hoot, just made a run for the border after i slept all day cuz i wuz up all night working on a cool vector image of Twwly in my art folder; my skin is really dry, does that happen if you don't go in the sun for...
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you're up early (for a guy without a job)! you have a good day too! kiss
DUDE! everyone's all relieved here and whatnot, and the morning dj's are all, "they took a bullet for us, reh reh reh.." and i mean, it's cool that we didn't get hit directly because i'm quite certain i wouldn't have an apartment to come back to, but it's not like they went out of their way to take the bullet for us. they just pretty much got screwed the way we would've had charley not taken an odd eastern turn. whatever
that's the trade-off for living on coastal florida in a trailer park, i guess.
the wifey and i went to the south florida tattoo convention today, it was mayhem...

highlight would probably have to be seeing deano cook working away - i read an interview of his awhile ago that got me more interested in becoming an artist of ink, he started out in a similar situation to that of mine...

ron jeremy was supposed to be around but...
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i dunno why i never noticed that picture of your tattoo before. silly girl. i like it, its really unique. not like my "butterfly on the ankle" cliche. but i love my cute little butterfly.
you could do my ink! for free! good deal, yeah?
i have to defend your stance on the whole 'ron jeremy' thing: i've seen interviews with him and he seems nice and all, but he looks like a rodent! you'd have to be a nympho to want to do him! i'd do it, just to say i did ron jeremy. then maybe get a t-shirt made that says 'i did ron jeremy, and survived."
wait... does that make me a nympho? confused
Hello, my name is Amadeus and i'm addicted to comments in my journal.

last night, my mom called and told me she heard my cousin came out a while ago and my aunt and uncle had disowned her. they're the assholes if you ask me.mad
my cousin's like 24ish now and she was always the little rebel, she used to skate and shit so i always thought it was cool she was doin her own...
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ya know, mr. gorilla, i hadn't made any plans for this weekend because i was broke. i think i might go do some fun stuff like shop for groceries, visit the 'laundromat', or maybe wash the weeks worth of dirty dishes sitting next to my sink.
why, did you want to come out here, maybe get together for drinks? biggrin
or are you still trying to set me up with your mom.
i'm sorry, i thought you knew about rob and were ok with it. we have an open relationship. wait, don't you sleep with christy, your, ummm... wife?! my mom would be cool with that.
ya your mom and aunt can crash on the couch. rob wants to know if they're sisters and if there will be any kinky lesbian action. i told him there would so he'd let them stay. sorry.
she does dishes right?
i just discovered a rad way to take self portraits with a basic digital camera; just hold it at straight arms length and spin around and click away. funny what you'll come up with at 3am when you're procrastinating from sleep... whatever
i'm probably the last person to think of doing that - i stuck one in my pics folder.

i just found out the pixies...
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if you can get pixies tickets then GO! i tried to see them when they came to winnipeg, the show sold out in 4 minutes. its ridiculous!
reunions... meh!
sometimes all i can think about is "hmmm.. i wonder if i've got new comments?" i'm addicted.
its so much easier to make good friends here. at least you know you have one thing in common with every on else here... seeing 'real' girls naked! i mean how long have we known each other? less then a month, and you already love me, stinky pee and all. biggrin