This is today's journal entry. It is not the fastest journal entry, but it'll keep up. It is not the toughest entry, but it can stand up for itself. It's not the smartest entry, nor the best looking. It can't rotate it's own tires or fillet a sturgeon. It has never seen Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, and probably won't. This journal entry has never been accused of following its goals to their end, and it is often found smoking pot behind the Dollar General, sitting on an overturned shopping cart. An entry like this never brushes it's teeth after every meal. It doesn't answer the phone when it's mom calls. Not once has this particular journal entry let some jerk merge into traffic in front of him. Most people take this journal entry for granted, and rightfully so. Come to think of it, this entry sucks ass, and it will completely waste your time. Your friends will stop talking to you if you're found reading this entry. You don't know where it's been, and it's going nowhere. Take some advice from tomorrow's journal entry: stay away from this one.