it's been a while since I wrote or posted anything. And I still havn't posted anything, but I feel compelled to get a new entry up here, for no apperent reason.

I will try to do some more drawings, but I just don't have any motivation anymore. I am drunk all the time, and either watching movies (just bought Lost in Translation, which obviously is...
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your art is amazing.
damn, them's some good art eeek
I have put a few pictures up. These were the only one that were on my computer. I am waiting for my new scanner that I got off ebay. I should get a digital camera, but I just spent a bunch of money on an ipod.

Anyway, nobody is probably going to look at these anyway, I am just kind of doing it to humor...
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I dont' know, I have a digital camera, but when it comes to reproducing colors in art it kinda blows. So unless your gonna drop serious cash for proffesional quality digital, stick to scanning.

For me, the journal is my own little spot to ramble, post pics, tell stories etc...otherwise I'd never write anything even though I enjoy it. If people happen to find their way there and leave a comment then cool! that's great! but I'll probably still do it anyways.

That's great to hear you've stuck with drawing for so long. You're damn good. I used to be one of those kids that drew everything...especially at school, but somehow I just stoped.Now I get all these ideas in my head but can't actually gow through with them since I'm not that great at it. I picked up painting about three years ago and have done about 20 in that time. To me, they're pretty mediocre. I'd like to put more effort into them but I really need to start drawing first.

Looking forward to seeing other works!

Wow, your fan art of Nixion fucking rules, dude!! love

Thanks for the support guys and gals! I will keep working on shit as much as I can. I have been working alot lately, and the bossman is never satisfied... Plus drugs take alot of time away from art... I get another up by the end of the weekend. and maybe I'll post some of my old artwork just for fun.
dude, your drawings are fucking hot. what do you use?
I use a good old Pentel P225 and regular paper for these drawings. The I use a crappy UMAX ASTRA 2100U scanner. The I use Photoshop 7.0 to color them and whatnot. I have a Wacom Tablet for this, which is good for coloring, and alot of people draw exclusively with them, but I'm not that good at that, so I use pencil first.

Oh.. and thanks, but they wouldn't be hot if the girls weren't hot.
Mrs. Nameless Numberhead Man: Arsenal. Nose army.
Elmo Oxygen: Nose army. Beef diaper?
Mrs. Nameless Numberhead Man: Nomenclature.
Elmo Oxygen: Throbbing dust generation!
Mrs. Nameless Numberhead Man: Drum tissue outburst.
Elmo Oxygen: Jigsaw. Uh, fragment chief butter. King surgery mind?
Mrs. Nameless Numberhead Man: Bunny bucket.
Elmo Oxygen: Precision galley sponge.
Mrs. Nameless Numberhead Man: Smell sign.
Well, I drew them in pencil, then scanned them, then, duplicated the layer, converted it to "multiply", added a middle layer, which I made one solid color, then I did the whole filter->texture->texturizer thing in order to get the cavas look, then I just used the dodge tool to get the highlights. It may sound like I know what I am doing, but...

[Edited on Jan 14, 2004 5:07PM]

[Edited on Jan 14, 2004 5:08PM]
"everyone needs an angel and here's this devil next to me"

Get some more art pics up dog! Good stuff!