I'm back! Missed much? Aye, well, the room was getting me down really badly so I gutted it. My entire bedroom has been 'pivoted' 90. It gives a MUCH better feeling of space (for such a dark pokey hole). The size of the bloody furniture meant I was toiling for 2 whole days. My computer was scattered into bits down three flights of stairs. Thankfully its back now! Wooooo!
How are yee all doing? No doubt if you live anywhere near the UK you'll be off to London for the weekend? Ah. Yup, I think there's only me NOT going. I am truly gutted about that, but obviously Mr Tony Blair doesnt pay me enough to cover the FUCKIN' 70 train fare! Gods sake I could visit Cordoba, Spain (the most beautiful city on Earth, by the way) for the same price. Anyone up for that nearer Easter by the way, a quick guided tour of the city i lived in for the best 3 months of my life? Let me know if you're interested!
Anyway, if you are going to Londinium, have a great weekend! I'm sure it'll be fantastic (have a pint of beer for me, AND a pint of water for matt_organic who will most likely not be in attendance).
Any other news? Hmm. Well there's some SEVERE gig action on the horizon and it's looking VERY good :-
Supersuckers - Manc DH...
Demented Are Go - Star & Garter (OMG
The Stranglers with Goldblade as support? Hmm.. Only a rumour as of yet, but what a good one that'll be
I can't really think of much else to write about at the mo, only I'm creating the typos from hell on account of moving my furtniture has caused the dust-cloud from hell to sweep acros all my surfaces and awoken a 'terrible evil' (actually an annoying tickly cough).
My goodness! It's getting on a bit. I'll have to be climbing into my pit shortly...
Bollocks! Just checked my email, got rated by someone on my faceparty page, some anonymous tosser has rated me a 'junkie'!!! Bastards! If I could be arsed to pay up I could find out who that was!!!! I don't look like a heroin addict, do I?? *MASSIVE PARANOIA* Well, I suppose on Brogan's Rockworld pics I do, but EVERYONE does in that place (except Asha!!!
Anyway, thanks for the nice words, everyone, I do appreciate it! I love you all! I'm looking forward to meeting up with you. Hopefully, 'Nemone's' going to get me a groovy high paid job as an art director which'll fund my travels. She fookin' promised!!!
Right. I'm REALLY off now. In the immortal words of dear departed 'Kilroy',
"Take Care of Yourselves". n_n v78 xXxXxXx
Swift Edit (24/01/04) :
Last night was great. I went out with a bunch of my Chinese friends for a belated New Year meal. Mmmmm. 7 course banquet at the 'big' Yang Sing. Nothing better. Walking [legging it] back from town through the factory scenes from Robocop didn't aid my digestion though. Fucking Scrotes... I'm, off to help me folks strip the kitchen, ready for the builders to staple it back to the house

How are yee all doing? No doubt if you live anywhere near the UK you'll be off to London for the weekend? Ah. Yup, I think there's only me NOT going. I am truly gutted about that, but obviously Mr Tony Blair doesnt pay me enough to cover the FUCKIN' 70 train fare! Gods sake I could visit Cordoba, Spain (the most beautiful city on Earth, by the way) for the same price. Anyone up for that nearer Easter by the way, a quick guided tour of the city i lived in for the best 3 months of my life? Let me know if you're interested!

Any other news? Hmm. Well there's some SEVERE gig action on the horizon and it's looking VERY good :-
Supersuckers - Manc DH...
Demented Are Go - Star & Garter (OMG

The Stranglers with Goldblade as support? Hmm.. Only a rumour as of yet, but what a good one that'll be

I can't really think of much else to write about at the mo, only I'm creating the typos from hell on account of moving my furtniture has caused the dust-cloud from hell to sweep acros all my surfaces and awoken a 'terrible evil' (actually an annoying tickly cough).
My goodness! It's getting on a bit. I'll have to be climbing into my pit shortly...
Bollocks! Just checked my email, got rated by someone on my faceparty page, some anonymous tosser has rated me a 'junkie'!!! Bastards! If I could be arsed to pay up I could find out who that was!!!! I don't look like a heroin addict, do I?? *MASSIVE PARANOIA* Well, I suppose on Brogan's Rockworld pics I do, but EVERYONE does in that place (except Asha!!!

Anyway, thanks for the nice words, everyone, I do appreciate it! I love you all! I'm looking forward to meeting up with you. Hopefully, 'Nemone's' going to get me a groovy high paid job as an art director which'll fund my travels. She fookin' promised!!!

Right. I'm REALLY off now. In the immortal words of dear departed 'Kilroy',
"Take Care of Yourselves". n_n v78 xXxXxXx
Swift Edit (24/01/04) :
Last night was great. I went out with a bunch of my Chinese friends for a belated New Year meal. Mmmmm. 7 course banquet at the 'big' Yang Sing. Nothing better. Walking [legging it] back from town through the factory scenes from Robocop didn't aid my digestion though. Fucking Scrotes... I'm, off to help me folks strip the kitchen, ready for the builders to staple it back to the house

in my house now is one of the most impressive things to me... an atari 64 (not the big clunky kind i had when i was a rug-rat... but the sleek, re-vamped kind that was smaller and lighter) with a couple of dozen games... and... the amazing part... all of the instruction booklets! i'm a video-game stickler, but even i lost all the instruction booklets to my atari games!(hey, i was only 5 when i got it).
the only downer is that they were wet. and the way they smelt... like an ashy fireplace. unfortunately, they came from my best friend's mother's house (can you follow that?
anyway, some cool things survived.... like the atari... so i'm going to clean it up and it'll be like new.
thanks for the well-wishes... sorry i wrote such a meaningless novella in your journal...