Hey hey.
Another blog was due I think. I'm getting really slack and I must apologise.
I'm actually considering ending my membership on here. I mean, I love hot, naked, tattooed chicks, but I find that I don't visit this site often enough to form online friendships and it kinda sucks. The sad and unfortunate thing is that I spend a lot of time on... Read More
One of my New Year's resolutions (as I just decided) is to be more sociable on this website. For the last few months or so, I've hardly updated, hardly participated in forums et cetera.
I hope you've all been well.
I had an awesome New Year's Eve. I made the trek up to Melbourne (a whole hour's train ride) and saw a well-known... Read More
I have come to the conclusion that I may be slightly obsessed with The Matrix Trilogy.
The Matrix is most definitely my favourite movie of all time, not just because I have a crush on Keanu Reeves, but because of how much it makes me think. I find that The Matrix inspires so much thought about technology, the way society is becoming and ultimately, how... Read More
""The only motive that there ever was, was to completely control a person that I found physically attractive and keep them with me as long as possible, even if it meant just keeping a part of them." - Jeffrey Dahmer.
Lately, I've found myself infatuated with cannibals, murderers and serial killers. It doesn't seem to be a very healthy obsession though...
Hopefully next year I'll... Read More
In high-school we had to give a presentation about a person we were interested in, and I chose Dahmer. I was obsessed with him for a good part of a year, and was actually pretty upset when he died. Much to the disgust of my school mates.
To me, he always just seemed like a guy that really didn't have the facilities to be able to connect with people. Which I could kinda relate to ... and still do a little. There's so much sadness in that quote.
Hey everyone. This blog entry will just be one of the short descriptive stories that I have written of late; I also posted it on myspace.com, so too bad if you've already read it.
Sadomasochistic Massacre.
Her muffled screams could be heard from behind the bedroom door. When he removed his hands from over her mouth, the tortured wailing pierced the night's silence. He breathed... Read More
I'm pretty good today...getting anxious about Thirsday when I have an apointment witht he bank for my loan to start my company and maybe get a nice ride.But I am having a good day today so thats all that matters right now.
It's now 2:24am on Saturday morning and I should be asleep.
I was extremely sick last night, I think I had food poisoning or a 24 hour bug. It was terrible, I kept having to run to the toilet and vomiting. However, I am alright now...hence the Teddy Bear biscuits.
I've almost finished ALL of my exams. I have one... Read More
Finished High school classes forever! My last day was Tuesday. I shortened my winter uniform to a mini skirt and wore cute knee high skull socks (nothing too exciting). We spent the day running amok and signing each other's shirts/dresses etc. On Tuesday night... Read More
Hey Everyone.
It's currently a lazy, Sunday afternoon and I'm feeling really bored. I should actually be studying for my Psychology SAC (school-assessed criteria) that I have to do tomorrow, it will be relatively easy though, we're just studying research design methods, hypotheses, the collection and interpretation of data and statistical analysis; which is all pretty basic stuff. I have 7 days left of school... Read More
Great big BBQ? If it's big enough for 2, you can take the left half and I'll take the right half and we'll compare who is the more icky colour after 5 minutes on high.
Hey Everyone.
Today I started back at school after two weeks holidays. It was so difficult getting up this morning (I got up at 6:20am because I had shit to do, but on the holidays I had been awaking about midday.) I really should have eased into waking earlier. Oh well, I should sleep well tonight at least.
Well, well well...
I think it's time that I posted another entry, I haven't for a little while.
*Sigh* School holidays are almost finished and I haven't even attempted any homework yet, I have to be the word's best procrastinator....it's sad really, I have such great ambitions but I'm just way too lazy to get anything done.
I've been getting to some other bands lately,... Read More
I'm a huge fan of all Kubrick's films - but Clockwork is one of the more memorable ones. Not often do you get such a nice connection between violence and Ludwig Van.
Sorry to hear about your back - if I could send you a massage and drugs by email - I'd surely do it. I'm gonna add you to my MSN list too - on the odd chance that we're both online at oppsite ends of the universe.
Hey everyone. This is my latest blog, titled 'Messy break-up'. I tend to feel slightly homicidal sometimes, so I figured that writing a story is better than attempting to live out such a fantasy. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. *smiles sweetly*.
Messy break-up.
Previously knocking him completely senseless (not that he had much sense when he... Read More
Hey you..... have'nt been up to much. Just spiraling away into sinfilled madness as always! Had a dream i was a coyote the other night. Kept chasing around this poor japanese girl, trying to rip her newborn baby from her arms so as i could eat her i suppose... strange.
Anyhoot, feeling quite bored and restless right about now..... how about you?
good luck with the band