Hey everyone!!
I hope you all enjoyed the sun this weekend!! I know I did :)
But today is pretty dreary with rain, so I'm spending it snuggled in bed and reading one of my favourite books, Rose Madder by Stephen King!
This got me thinking of a homework assignment that I saw recently and haven't done yet!
Although there are so many people I would love to meet, top of the list every time is Stephen King! Although I'd like to think that I would be calm and collected, if I ever did meet him I would most likely lose my mind!
There are so many reasons that I admire him as a writer, but I admire him most because he is an absolute madman. he can make me feel like Someone is watching me or that there are other worlds than these, and he opens up a part of my mind that can literally smell and touch what he writes about.
If I ever got to meet SK, I would most likely just want to thank him. For all of his writing, but the most for Rose Madder. For a lot of reasons, but mainly just for that one little drop. He has given me strength when I felt I had none.
A man I have never met has connected with me on so many levels through books he wrote years before I even went through these experiences. This same man has brought me joy in times of sadness, and then co-miserated with me when thy didn't work. He has made me cry for things I haven't known, and laugh at things that should make me cringe. He has made me miss people who technically never existed. And I do believe that some part of what he writes about the Dark Tower is true. There are way too many coincidences in his world, and maybe that's his trick!
I'm sure that it will never happen, but I honestly hope to be able to thank him!
Who would you meet, alive or not, if you could??