Wow, this site and its people never fail to amaze me.To all the people who commented on my last blog,thank you.
Right now i really am struggling with my self esteem, i bought smokes before because i want to smoke instead of eat, i havent smoked for about a month, im feeling stressed..i needed them.
The last few days i have occupied myself by looking at the images of beautiful woman..well...impossibly made up looking people.
So heres some alternative beauties ive been lusting over as of late..

So how about some random facts...
1. What's on your mind?
Alot. Especially how bad this tv program is that is on
2. Where is your significant other?
At work.
3. Where is your biological mother right now?
Also at work.
4. Have you ever made out in a basement?
We dont really have basements as such in New Zealand.But no.
5. Do you have any piercings?
Indeed. 1 in each ear,tongue,septum,nipple.belly button.
6. Do you have any tattoos?
Yah ha.
7. Is your driveway steep?
No its gravel and fun to pull the hand break up on.
8. Name four things you did today?
- picked up a prescription
-put on a face mask
-spilt pumpkin soup all down myself
-made a yummy sandwish
9. Have you ever been tied up?
unfortunately not...
10. Last person you texted?
ummmm sophie i think..
11. Have you ever had two dates in one night?
no sir
12. What have you eaten today?
some ceral, a sandwich, popcorn..and pumpkin soup
14. Which shoe do you put on first?
I dont take nay notice for the truth, but now im curious..
16. What is the status of you and the last person you kissed?
Hes my boyfriend
17. Do you get distracted easily?
Often..this surveys boring..
18. What's the last text you received say and who was it from?
some bullshit how its internation hottie day..wtffff
20. Have you ever kissed anyone named Alex?
not that i recall..
24. First time you kissed the last person you kissed?
In a was a dare..i liked that dare
25. What was your childhood nickname?
26. What would you change about your life right now?
Id have more of a working, more social.
27. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
It can be cute and it can be mildy disgusting..
28. What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving?
Fired water pistols out the window, filled with red food dye..muaha
29. Have you ever bitten your nails?
Used to as a kid, only do now when they break an di dont have a file.
30. Do you live alone?
No way ..
31. Do you like someone right now?
I like alot of people..
32. Can you keep a secret?
Most of the time, bigf secrets that i swear my life on i definately keep
33. What was the best year of your life?
Probably last year for the truth..lots of people,parties,drinking,studying..good times.
34. Do you have any strange phobias? scared im gona misjudge and fall in a whole..
35. Your favorite romantic movie is?
The notebook, or Titanic, they both make me bawl like a bitch.
36. Are you happy with your living arrangement?
Yeapie doday
37. Have you ever played Twister?
Used to play alot when i was younger, havent for a while.
39. Last thing received in the mail?
A greenstone pendant.
40. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a J?
Yes indeed.
42. Do you have trust issues?
Yes, but then again who doesnt.
43. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
Fairly often.
44. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
Only when im bored.
45. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
_Probably some random fuck ringing for my parents..
46. Are you a cuddler?
I wuv cuddles
47. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?
My bestfriend, thought she was a pest..then we had to thrown shotputs together in Physical education class back when we were 15...its been on since.
48. What was the last advice you gave someone?
Be careful who you let into your life.
49. What was going through your mind during your last kiss?
How the fuck do i probably i hope this goes furthur..
50. Have you ever hurt anyone when you were mad?
a million times.
51. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive..can never forget.
52. Do you give out second chances too easily?
I have been lately.
53. What is the most important thing to you in any relationship?
55. Do you have a best friend?
a few of the buggers
57. Do you trust people easily?
i like to think i dont.
58. Would you live with someone without marrying them?
sort of am dad always told me you should live with someone before you marry them
59. Ever make plans and break them?
just did before lol
60. Ever kiss in the rain?
umm...i did dance in the rain with a friend then we decided it wasnt wet enough so we got in the shower clothed instead.
61. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you talk to 24/7?
Not really, have a few good male friends.
63. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying?
64. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
probably my two best friends
65. Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?
haha nah my mom would throttle me
67. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
a few times..its hard to be causla about that, especially in a moving vehicle.
69. Do you love any of your ex's?
maybe really not too sure..
70. Are you open with your feelings to people?
some feelings, not all.
71. Favorite song?
Keep ya head up-tupac..
72. What's your favorite thing your mom makes for dinner?
ummm canjt go wrong with the saturday night roast!
Do you like my style
Yeah that sexy, sexy, sexy ...
Right now i really am struggling with my self esteem, i bought smokes before because i want to smoke instead of eat, i havent smoked for about a month, im feeling stressed..i needed them.
The last few days i have occupied myself by looking at the images of beautiful woman..well...impossibly made up looking people.
So heres some alternative beauties ive been lusting over as of late..

So how about some random facts...
1. What's on your mind?
Alot. Especially how bad this tv program is that is on
2. Where is your significant other?
At work.
3. Where is your biological mother right now?
Also at work.
4. Have you ever made out in a basement?
We dont really have basements as such in New Zealand.But no.
5. Do you have any piercings?
Indeed. 1 in each ear,tongue,septum,nipple.belly button.
6. Do you have any tattoos?
Yah ha.
7. Is your driveway steep?
No its gravel and fun to pull the hand break up on.
8. Name four things you did today?
- picked up a prescription
-put on a face mask
-spilt pumpkin soup all down myself
-made a yummy sandwish
9. Have you ever been tied up?
unfortunately not...
10. Last person you texted?
ummmm sophie i think..
11. Have you ever had two dates in one night?
no sir
12. What have you eaten today?
some ceral, a sandwich, popcorn..and pumpkin soup
14. Which shoe do you put on first?
I dont take nay notice for the truth, but now im curious..
16. What is the status of you and the last person you kissed?
Hes my boyfriend
17. Do you get distracted easily?
Often..this surveys boring..
18. What's the last text you received say and who was it from?
some bullshit how its internation hottie day..wtffff
20. Have you ever kissed anyone named Alex?
not that i recall..
24. First time you kissed the last person you kissed?
In a was a dare..i liked that dare

25. What was your childhood nickname?
26. What would you change about your life right now?
Id have more of a working, more social.
27. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
It can be cute and it can be mildy disgusting..
28. What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving?
Fired water pistols out the window, filled with red food dye..muaha
29. Have you ever bitten your nails?
Used to as a kid, only do now when they break an di dont have a file.
30. Do you live alone?
No way ..
31. Do you like someone right now?
I like alot of people..
32. Can you keep a secret?
Most of the time, bigf secrets that i swear my life on i definately keep
33. What was the best year of your life?
Probably last year for the truth..lots of people,parties,drinking,studying..good times.
34. Do you have any strange phobias? scared im gona misjudge and fall in a whole..
35. Your favorite romantic movie is?
The notebook, or Titanic, they both make me bawl like a bitch.
36. Are you happy with your living arrangement?
Yeapie doday
37. Have you ever played Twister?
Used to play alot when i was younger, havent for a while.
39. Last thing received in the mail?
A greenstone pendant.
40. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a J?
Yes indeed.
42. Do you have trust issues?
Yes, but then again who doesnt.
43. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
Fairly often.
44. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
Only when im bored.
45. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
_Probably some random fuck ringing for my parents..
46. Are you a cuddler?
I wuv cuddles

47. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?
My bestfriend, thought she was a pest..then we had to thrown shotputs together in Physical education class back when we were 15...its been on since.
48. What was the last advice you gave someone?
Be careful who you let into your life.
49. What was going through your mind during your last kiss?
How the fuck do i probably i hope this goes furthur..
50. Have you ever hurt anyone when you were mad?
a million times.
51. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive..can never forget.
52. Do you give out second chances too easily?
I have been lately.
53. What is the most important thing to you in any relationship?
55. Do you have a best friend?
a few of the buggers
57. Do you trust people easily?
i like to think i dont.
58. Would you live with someone without marrying them?
sort of am dad always told me you should live with someone before you marry them
59. Ever make plans and break them?
just did before lol
60. Ever kiss in the rain?
umm...i did dance in the rain with a friend then we decided it wasnt wet enough so we got in the shower clothed instead.
61. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you talk to 24/7?
Not really, have a few good male friends.
63. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying?
64. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
probably my two best friends
65. Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?
haha nah my mom would throttle me
67. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
a few times..its hard to be causla about that, especially in a moving vehicle.
69. Do you love any of your ex's?
maybe really not too sure..
70. Are you open with your feelings to people?
some feelings, not all.
71. Favorite song?
Keep ya head up-tupac..
72. What's your favorite thing your mom makes for dinner?
ummm canjt go wrong with the saturday night roast!

Do you like my style
Yeah that sexy, sexy, sexy ...
hey love sorry to hear your going through a rough patch. hang in there. btw love the ink and the new hair color. stay strong you're beautiful
nah...just loved what ws behind it.