1. My roommate has been learning Capoeira, a Brazillian martial art that seems to have a lot more in common with dance than fighting, for about 6 months now, and he finally convinced me to give it a try last night. Difficult, but fun, beautiful to watch, and I can tell how Alan got his really cut body so quickly! I think I'll go back tonight.
2. Saw the religious satire Saved! last night. Not as inrreverent as expected, too cautious usually to draw blood, but definitely a lot of fun in parts. Macaulay Culkin, Jena Malone, Mandy Moore, and the rest of the cast are great in their roles as Christian school kids.
I particularly enjoyed this film because of today's:
Little-Known Personal Fact:
My parents sent my to a Christian school from 4 yr old Kindergarten all the way to high school graduation! That is 14 years of God-schooling!
How did I survive?!
3. There is a giant fluffy krumpet on my floor.
Questions stolen from Ayla:
3 best physical features on you:
eyebrows, lips, shoulder freckles!
3 worst physical features on you:
thighs, knees, stomach
3 things you think are your best personality traits:
creativity, confidence, sympathy
3 things you think are your worst personality traits:
unforgiving, pride, vanity
3 things you notice first physically in the opposite sex:
hair, teeth, and skin
3 things you notice first in the opposite sex in terms of personality:
intelligence, wit, sense of adventure (urmmm, well you can't notice them in someone who doesn't have them now can you? )
3 books you loved as a child:
Nancy Drew, Babysitter's Club, Star of the Guardians
3 books you love now:
The Fall, Watchmen, Fast Food Nation
3 cartoons you couldn't live without - then or now:
MTV's Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mysterious Cities of Gold
3 things you loved to do as a child (maybe you still like to do them now?:
read, write, and make forts!
3 of your favorite actor/resses:
Scarlett Johanssen, Edward Norton, Sean Penn
3 movies that really speak to you:
Amelie, Hi-Fidelity, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
3 guitarists you admire:
My brother, Andrew, and Jay
3 singers you admire
Amanda Rogers, ... aww, fuck it. I can't admire someone for singing ability alone.
3 of the best music videos you've ever seen (ONLY three):
Michael Jackson - Billy Jean, Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf, Moulan Rouge video
3 of the biggest jokes you've ever seen:
Fred Durst, Paris Hilton, those electrc shockers that are supposed to make you buff
3 people you owe your entire life to:
I owe my entire life to no one. But, the only ones that come close are me, dad, and the governor of South Carolina.
3 people who need to just die now:
my biggest creditor, this snotty teenage brat, and someone I don't even know... just because.
3 thoughts on this:
time consuming, allows me to procrastinate, and RAWR!

2. Saw the religious satire Saved! last night. Not as inrreverent as expected, too cautious usually to draw blood, but definitely a lot of fun in parts. Macaulay Culkin, Jena Malone, Mandy Moore, and the rest of the cast are great in their roles as Christian school kids.

Little-Known Personal Fact:
My parents sent my to a Christian school from 4 yr old Kindergarten all the way to high school graduation! That is 14 years of God-schooling!

3. There is a giant fluffy krumpet on my floor.
Questions stolen from Ayla:
3 best physical features on you:
eyebrows, lips, shoulder freckles!
3 worst physical features on you:
thighs, knees, stomach
3 things you think are your best personality traits:
creativity, confidence, sympathy
3 things you think are your worst personality traits:
unforgiving, pride, vanity
3 things you notice first physically in the opposite sex:
hair, teeth, and skin
3 things you notice first in the opposite sex in terms of personality:
intelligence, wit, sense of adventure (urmmm, well you can't notice them in someone who doesn't have them now can you? )
3 books you loved as a child:
Nancy Drew, Babysitter's Club, Star of the Guardians
3 books you love now:
The Fall, Watchmen, Fast Food Nation
3 cartoons you couldn't live without - then or now:
MTV's Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mysterious Cities of Gold
3 things you loved to do as a child (maybe you still like to do them now?:
read, write, and make forts!
3 of your favorite actor/resses:
Scarlett Johanssen, Edward Norton, Sean Penn
3 movies that really speak to you:
Amelie, Hi-Fidelity, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
3 guitarists you admire:
My brother, Andrew, and Jay
3 singers you admire
Amanda Rogers, ... aww, fuck it. I can't admire someone for singing ability alone.
3 of the best music videos you've ever seen (ONLY three):
Michael Jackson - Billy Jean, Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf, Moulan Rouge video
3 of the biggest jokes you've ever seen:
Fred Durst, Paris Hilton, those electrc shockers that are supposed to make you buff
3 people you owe your entire life to:
I owe my entire life to no one. But, the only ones that come close are me, dad, and the governor of South Carolina.
3 people who need to just die now:
my biggest creditor, this snotty teenage brat, and someone I don't even know... just because.
3 thoughts on this:
time consuming, allows me to procrastinate, and RAWR!
Eyes, Collarbone/neck area,
3 worst physical features on you:
My nose, space between my Teeth, stomach
3 things you think are your best personality traits:
Witty, Laid back, Entertaining
3 things you think are your worst personality traits:
Blunt, can be emotionally distant/cold, Stubborn
3 things you notice first physically in the opposite sex:
Eyes, body shape, face
3 things you notice first in the opposite sex in terms of personality:
Sense of humour, general wisdom & knowledge, wits
3 books you loved as a child:
The Man who loved clowns (made me cry) The Clown arounds, Ender's Game
3 books you love now:
Choke, On the road, Watchmen
3 cartoons you couldn't live without - then or now:
He-Man and the masters of the universe, Exo-Squad, Transformers
3 things you loved to do as a child (maybe you still like to do them now?:
Draw, Dance, Boxing
3 of your favorite actor/resses:
Richard Burton, Brad Pitt, Jessica Biel (mostly for aesthetic reasons)
3 movies that really speak to you:
Dogville, Lost in Translation, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
3 guitarists you admire:
3 singers you admire
(Not just for their singing talents) Matthew Good, Tori Amos, Holly McNarland
3 of the best music videos you've ever seen (ONLY three):
Black Hole sun- soundgarden, Velvet - a-ha, Stange Days- Matthew good Band
3 of the biggest jokes you've ever seen:
The collective project my class put on. Man I hated that abomination. Hip hop 'culture',
3 people you owe your entire life to:
My dad, (although loath to admit it) my first major Ex, and the one that slipped away.
3 people who need to just die now:
Personally, I can't think of any, but generally, Dubya, Paris hilton, Ashton Kutcher
3 thoughts on this:
It ate a good chunk of time, interesting range of questions, and I should really be sleeping right now