It's funny how the girls get burned
And honey as far as I'm concerned
The tables have turned
Okay, first things first: My stuff for sale. Expect this to be recurring on my blogs for a while.
random stuff - clothes, underthings, shoes, jewelry, hats, phones, etc. Most shirts are XL or Torrid 0-1, pants are 18-20, shoes 7-71/2. Some of the clothes were worn in my PSW sets.
paintings - everything I've painted for the past 6 years or so.
The Blackberry tour is $250, the pearl is $85. The paintings range, but some of the larger ones the canvases costs $60-100 just to buy blank, so keep it in mind. Everything else has a negotiable price.
Yes, some of the items have been worn (although not all) but they are clean. I can wash them again if you'd like. Or if you're gross, I can wear them around and then send them to you, but that'll cost you extra! And if that's the case...well, I have some used, broken sex toys you may be interested in...hahaha.
So yeah, my car is fucked up. Something is wrong with the suspension and it's not drivable. I ruined my parents Thanksgiving plans but they are going to lend me money to fix it. Although, the place they are taking it isn't even able to look at it until Tuesday. Ugh
In other news, today I had a parent-teacher conference. The basic point: She's highly intelligent and bossy as hell. Yeah, duh. She may go in for gifted testing. I hope that she gets to go. The teacher did a reading assessment, and the kiddo got 90% comprehension on a 6th grade reading level and she's in second grade. She wasn't tested on any higher level, but I would really like to know...
Sooo... in a few weeks I have something going on and I'm all

about it.
I am having such a bad hair day, that I am wearing a hat. I never wear hats, so you know, it's oh-so-awful.
I've been feeling really yucky lately. My clothes are all getting really tight and I feel like my tummy and chin flab are out of hand. I'm going to start working out a lot. And cut out sugar. Soon. Maybe not right away because well...the schedule, the stress, and the holidays....but soon. I want my body from 2005 back and I am going to get it.
Question of the day:
How do you stay in shape?

And honey as far as I'm concerned
The tables have turned
Okay, first things first: My stuff for sale. Expect this to be recurring on my blogs for a while.
random stuff - clothes, underthings, shoes, jewelry, hats, phones, etc. Most shirts are XL or Torrid 0-1, pants are 18-20, shoes 7-71/2. Some of the clothes were worn in my PSW sets.
paintings - everything I've painted for the past 6 years or so.
The Blackberry tour is $250, the pearl is $85. The paintings range, but some of the larger ones the canvases costs $60-100 just to buy blank, so keep it in mind. Everything else has a negotiable price.
Yes, some of the items have been worn (although not all) but they are clean. I can wash them again if you'd like. Or if you're gross, I can wear them around and then send them to you, but that'll cost you extra! And if that's the case...well, I have some used, broken sex toys you may be interested in...hahaha.

So yeah, my car is fucked up. Something is wrong with the suspension and it's not drivable. I ruined my parents Thanksgiving plans but they are going to lend me money to fix it. Although, the place they are taking it isn't even able to look at it until Tuesday. Ugh
In other news, today I had a parent-teacher conference. The basic point: She's highly intelligent and bossy as hell. Yeah, duh. She may go in for gifted testing. I hope that she gets to go. The teacher did a reading assessment, and the kiddo got 90% comprehension on a 6th grade reading level and she's in second grade. She wasn't tested on any higher level, but I would really like to know...
Sooo... in a few weeks I have something going on and I'm all

I am having such a bad hair day, that I am wearing a hat. I never wear hats, so you know, it's oh-so-awful.

I've been feeling really yucky lately. My clothes are all getting really tight and I feel like my tummy and chin flab are out of hand. I'm going to start working out a lot. And cut out sugar. Soon. Maybe not right away because well...the schedule, the stress, and the holidays....but soon. I want my body from 2005 back and I am going to get it.
Question of the day:
How do you stay in shape?

I know my kids are super smart (I guess the whole autism thing sort of is a hint to that) but that is fantastic, hopefully she gets into a great program that cultivates that.
Well I wasn't going to the gym for a month then went for a week then a month break before that due to me and the kids getting sick and well no one can watch them if they are ill and they don't let me exercise at home
But this week 2 days at the gym today to the gym and friday and will go saturday. I do cardio and weight training. I hope to get prebaby size some day...which was a size 8/10. I snack on things to much and eat empty calories that build up and then i am still hungry. bahhhh but I do feel happier when I work out regular it sort of helps with my mood swings.
and it sucks your low on cash =[, thats no bueno
and hmmm im in the navy an swim alot as a search an rescue swimmer