Hooray for spending love day alone.

Hope everyone has enjoyed themselves.

If you're lonely then we should think of something to do to fix it.

I'm thinking.......

No ideas yet.
Obvious News Flash!

If you get me on the right topic when I'm talking in person I tend to ramble on and on about stuff.

If there is no one there to respond to my talking however my rambling seems to take hold regardless of the topic. For example, when I leave phone messages, I just babble, often not even making enough sense to get...
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'claps his knuckles together several times'

I'm looking forward to getting a new tatoo on the 25th.

That's all I have to say for now. biggrin
I heart new tattoos.
it's called the Maelstrom. good call. wink
I had an interesting dream last night.

A baby was complaining to me that it's bum was orange, and uncomfortable.
So I spoke with it and did my best to convince it to sleep so the iritation wouldn't bother it so much.
The family of the baby had supper and invited me to join during which I fell in love with one of their daughters....
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I feel the need to tell the world how I'm doing.

Course that means I'm just telling the few people who pay attention to me here, but that's kinda how I like it.

I've been a hermit for a while now.
Well acording to my tarot cards I've always been associated with the Hermit but that's not what I'm talking about.
I mean. I've seperated...
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I didn't feel very good about that last one... Let's try better...

I could write another story. A couple people seemed to like the last one.

Hmmmm. Where did we leave Rheen?

His instincts were strong.
The mind of a warrior, forged by a life of battle and ground sharp by hunting down enemies before they found him.
He was always alert, always aware of...
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why do you have your thumb up there sir?
you wouldn't be trying to controll me now would you, my son?
i am much older than you, son, and your little tricks don't work on me!
oh, young-one, you have much to learn...

just for that, now i'm not going to tell you tongue
thanks for the comment... I'm trying to keep up the good work. tongue
When things work out, they really do work out.

When things fail, they fail with dramatic intensity.

Three cheers for those who make it to the next day.
Yeah making it is the key. Meh.

Sex is a quick cure for a lot of things. Depression and menstrual cramps are the two I can vouch for, for myself anyway. It doesn't last terribly long, but for depression, it's good for a day or two.
So I'm done training for my not so new anymore job. Had my first day on the phones just before Newyears. That went well. It's really not busy right now so the job feels kinda pointless... as a result I've been drawing a lot more in MS Paint. Silly little program, but I'm enjoying it.

I spent this Newyears as I have for the past...
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thanks for your sweet e-mail... i appreciated it a lot.

I don't play WoW myself (YET) I'm waiting on some RAM for my computer, and then I can run the goddamn program. I stole the stats from my oft-spoke of friend Scott, he plays a lot. I know he's on shadowsong (or something or other) here and there, but lord knows which character and when and why. tongue He has about 5 characters he messes around with. Two are level 60, a warlock and a druid. The others I forget... an undead priest, another warlock, and a shaman I think. Not sure. But I love to watch him play and the game fascinates me, he's always telling me one thing or another about it. SO, I hope to be playing by the end of January. biggrin

[Edited on Jan 05, 2006 5:25PM]
PS - yay for being in favorites. biggrin that always makes me grin!
I bought a new webcam for like 18 bucks.
The pictures it takes are for shit, guess you get what you pay for. As an example there is me.... Yeah.

You can almost make out the goatee I'm sporting.
Ahhh well.

we can sort of make out what you look like smile No worries, you'll show up to an SG event and we'll figure it out haha!

Thanks for the birthday wishes, mucho gracis!
I also see that you're wearing glasses wink
I want Ebola, and the Black Death, and Flesh Eating Disease, Mad Cow would be nice.

I want Gonorrhea, and Syphilis. Yeah.
I want HIV, Salmonella and E Coli.

Book Worms, Lice, Dust Mites, and Bed Bugs, Gimme them all.
Martian Life, sure I like it exotic.
Even some Yeast.. Yeah I'd like that.

I almost want them all... this is scary.
Go Here if...
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that fucking rocks!

i've never wanted the clap sooo much!!

love love
O.k - I am just putting this out to see who would be interested........

Dec 17th.......Regina :


piratepete is going to be here from California so I thought that it would be a good time for him to meet the Sask. SG crowdsmile

If you are interested, please let me know by Wed so that I can make the reservationwink

I know that due to everyones work and school, that these things are getting harder to plan.....that or maybe it is just MY job that makes it seem that wayfrown I miss you guys so this would be a good time to say HI and MERRY CHRISTMASbiggrin

Hope to hear from you!biggrin

Kisses kiss kiss