Well folks, it's official.
I have now been clinically diagnosed as having attention deficit disorder.
Probably doesn't surprise anyone who knows me, but I learned a lot about ADD that I didn't know before.

Doctor's used to think that you grew out of it, well modern research shows if you had it ever you've got it for the rest of your life.
Yup it's permanent,...
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I'll keep you posted on SG gathering plans! I have a 3 storey house, with a video game/movie pile in the basement to distract you and allow you to hide for awhile if the crowd gathering gets overwhelming.
thanks! biggrin

Just wanted to add that to your day.
just wanted to say thanks for the comment on my set!smile
Happy New Year D! My house guest is just going over to visit your roomate, and I found out that you guys live about 6 blocks away from me. We should hang out and do some geeking-out sometime. smile
It's really easy to use blogs and postings and comments on sites like this to trash talk your life and all the things you dislike.
I've done it enough.

It's also easy to be in an emotional state, angry or what have you, and log on to spill your heart out, then after the fact realize you didn't say very good things at all.
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It's hard to hold a tornado down.
Anchors aren't meant to keep nature in check.
Nature must be superceded in order to survive.
Holding the tornado in place is an act of suvival.
Giving in to the winds wouldn't be a release.
Wouldn't bring peace or new found understanding.
It would be giving in to the nature of the winds.
To quickly blow, quickly tear...
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The universe grows.
The galaxy swirls.
The sun flairs.
The earth rotates.
The plates grind.
The city grows.
The hermit thinks.

Constants can be fun.
Paterns can too.
Given time, change looks the same as itself.

Outside the ancient crumbling chapel the jungle choked out all signs of the city this used to be. Vines covered the outer walls and seemed set to pull what was left of the old stones down with their weight. Even in the shadow of the canopy overhead the heat was opressive. Sweat covered the scales and hide of my companions, long before we even steped...
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I don't want to move again....
Is having bills that are $200 a month cheaper worth all the stress it would add to my life to have roomates again?

I'm really not sure.

Grrrr, damned oportunity.

Ahh well. Inspiration stuck and I'm holding on to it for longer than usual, Huzzah for good ideas.

I wish well to everyone.
Hmmm... Interesting. This is a unique layout that I did not see coming.

Certainly does a good job of getting more stuff into the space provided....

It'll take some getting used to.

Ahh well..

Life is still pretty much the same.
I'm used to the new place already, I can sleep and stuff.
Um... Hope everyone is happy and stuff.

Let me know.
I get my bowflex today.

Now all I have to do is actually use it.

I'm sure I will.
That means given some time I will be a machine.

Hooray. ^_^
Is it a sin to be a Hermit and be lonely?

Is it wrong when your emotions contradict your actions?

Is it possible for things to be different than they appear?

Hmmm.... I like chocolate!