Two months.
That's all I've got until I have to move again.
I'm really getting sick of moving.
In the past six years I've moved 11 times.
9 of those were in the same 3 year span.
I moved into my current place under the condition that I would stay here at least two years, four if possible.
Things always come up though.
My whole mental illness thing is ruining any chance at financial stability I might have had.
Plus my room mate is moving in with her boyfriend.
I guess I'll be looking for a bachelors pad somewhere in town.
Of course the mental illness just gets worse when I'm alone.
Ah well, enough complaining.
Anyone looking for a room mate?

That's all I've got until I have to move again.
I'm really getting sick of moving.
In the past six years I've moved 11 times.
9 of those were in the same 3 year span.
I moved into my current place under the condition that I would stay here at least two years, four if possible.
Things always come up though.
My whole mental illness thing is ruining any chance at financial stability I might have had.
Plus my room mate is moving in with her boyfriend.
I guess I'll be looking for a bachelors pad somewhere in town.
Of course the mental illness just gets worse when I'm alone.
Ah well, enough complaining.
Anyone looking for a room mate?

it was just such an unexpected blow that i was caught all unprepared and dare i say.. vulnerable. at the time i was reclining in my seat, smiling to myself about how well the weekend was going. how happy i was. how *right* i was to put myself out there. he hit low and dirty and in the one spot i can't ever forgive anyone for.
i even asked him "why did you say that to me?? have i given you any indication that you would need to say something like that to me? or that i even needed you to be into me??" he was all "oh i was just saying..." which was almost even worse because he felt he could insult me on such a personal level and have it just be another topic of conversation. like who i am as a mother and who my child is as a person is something that can be dismissed so quickly and easily, so justifiably because hey, maybe i would turn out to be a daddy hunter or something. he even used the daddy hunter phrase.
that it happened just hours before mother's day felt like cruel irony.
i've moped around all day and am just about to meet a dear friend for drinks. i should be better soon. i've gone through worse and come out smiling. its just that sense of disappointment that is hard to shake. you know? disappointment and a very high level of feeling underappreciated.