I didn't feel very good about that last one... Let's try better...
I could write another story. A couple people seemed to like the last one.
Hmmmm. Where did we leave Rheen?
His instincts were strong.
The mind of a warrior, forged by a life of battle and ground sharp by hunting down enemies before they found him.
He was always alert, always aware of what might creep out of the darkness and steal his soul, or worse.
Something touched him then. Not his arm or anyother part of his body, but his mind. He felt suddenly that he was not alone.
To be surprised like that, at this moment of weakness, launched his instincts into full swing.
He lept up from his kneel and clasped the sword strapped to his back.
His breath cought in his thoat with the force of his sobbing.
The blade pulled free of it's sheath and cleanly arched down at his foe.
Tears poured from his chin and ran along the jagged markings of his armored chest.
The full weight of his massive sword came down upon the thing that startled him, severing it in two.
One final scream of anguish filled the forest air, as he blindly hollared out at his defeated enemie.
It was a savage blow, he knew. A killing blow.
Rheen let go of his sword and left it embedded in the ground where the boy elf lay to either side of it.
He whiped his eyes and continued his mourning for several minutes before even looking at what threatened him so.
Thats when he began to come to his senses. Thats when he saw what it was that he had done.
"An elf?" He said aloud between deep breaths.
"A child.." It was almost a whisper.
Thoughts ran through his head. Memories of a life that seemed so far away now. There was a time when Rheen was raised by savage Orcs. Trained to hunt, kill, and even eat other sentient beings. Or whatever else they could find to survive in those dreadful deep tunnels and caves where he was found as a child.
A part of him recalled that life and knew it to be comfortable and safe. Yet he had a new life. Here above the ground. She showed him how to get along with other people. How to enjoy daylight. How to play, even how to smile. She showed him so much. In his new life he learned that he could be happy, he could be respected, and he could love.
She would not aprove of killing an elfling child. She would be furious with him, and she would be right to feel so.
His mind returned to the present, and he quickly yanked his sword from it's place.
He spoke to the sky, and to the forest, as he cleaned his blade in the grasses around him.
"Oh Drey. You've left me, alone here in this place."
"I'm surrounded by the parts of my family that hate me for being born."
"Why would you leave me now? When you and I both need each other so much more than we did before?"
Rheen shook his head. Feeling silly. He had hoped that she was merely invisible, and watching from the trees. Her magics were growing stronger each week, and she was capeable of so much more than he even understood.
'If she were here, she would have seen what you did.' he thought, with acid tones.
"Then she would disapear for good."
A deep breath filled his chest as he resheathed his massive curved blade.
'Think Rheen. Where would she go?' He looked around the at the trees for any kind of clue. 'She came to see the elves. To meet that half of her blood face to face. We found our mother, and our cursed demon father. What more would she want with this place?'
Then a thought came to him, almost not his own. 'More elves live in the capitol, and that's where the temple is. She was shunned by her real mother, perhaps she wants to be forgiven by the Elven Mother Goddess.'
Rheen nodded, and began to march northwest towards the river. This would guide him to the elven capitol. He stoped by the trees at the edge of the clearing, and whiped the last of his tears from his face. Turning to look one last time on the split boy he was leaving behind. One last look of worry crossed his face before he turned to leave. He worried not for the crime that he commited, nor the life that he took, but for the chance that this death will forever seperate him from the one he loved.
As this large half demon half elf warrior marched off, a voice could be heard just behind him, too low for his ears to hear over the sound of his own boots. The language was elven, the kind spoken only by the young, the voice was that of a boy. "It's ok red one, I forgive you."
I could write another story. A couple people seemed to like the last one.
Hmmmm. Where did we leave Rheen?
His instincts were strong.
The mind of a warrior, forged by a life of battle and ground sharp by hunting down enemies before they found him.
He was always alert, always aware of what might creep out of the darkness and steal his soul, or worse.
Something touched him then. Not his arm or anyother part of his body, but his mind. He felt suddenly that he was not alone.
To be surprised like that, at this moment of weakness, launched his instincts into full swing.
He lept up from his kneel and clasped the sword strapped to his back.
His breath cought in his thoat with the force of his sobbing.
The blade pulled free of it's sheath and cleanly arched down at his foe.
Tears poured from his chin and ran along the jagged markings of his armored chest.
The full weight of his massive sword came down upon the thing that startled him, severing it in two.
One final scream of anguish filled the forest air, as he blindly hollared out at his defeated enemie.
It was a savage blow, he knew. A killing blow.
Rheen let go of his sword and left it embedded in the ground where the boy elf lay to either side of it.
He whiped his eyes and continued his mourning for several minutes before even looking at what threatened him so.
Thats when he began to come to his senses. Thats when he saw what it was that he had done.
"An elf?" He said aloud between deep breaths.
"A child.." It was almost a whisper.
Thoughts ran through his head. Memories of a life that seemed so far away now. There was a time when Rheen was raised by savage Orcs. Trained to hunt, kill, and even eat other sentient beings. Or whatever else they could find to survive in those dreadful deep tunnels and caves where he was found as a child.
A part of him recalled that life and knew it to be comfortable and safe. Yet he had a new life. Here above the ground. She showed him how to get along with other people. How to enjoy daylight. How to play, even how to smile. She showed him so much. In his new life he learned that he could be happy, he could be respected, and he could love.
She would not aprove of killing an elfling child. She would be furious with him, and she would be right to feel so.
His mind returned to the present, and he quickly yanked his sword from it's place.
He spoke to the sky, and to the forest, as he cleaned his blade in the grasses around him.
"Oh Drey. You've left me, alone here in this place."
"I'm surrounded by the parts of my family that hate me for being born."
"Why would you leave me now? When you and I both need each other so much more than we did before?"
Rheen shook his head. Feeling silly. He had hoped that she was merely invisible, and watching from the trees. Her magics were growing stronger each week, and she was capeable of so much more than he even understood.
'If she were here, she would have seen what you did.' he thought, with acid tones.
"Then she would disapear for good."
A deep breath filled his chest as he resheathed his massive curved blade.
'Think Rheen. Where would she go?' He looked around the at the trees for any kind of clue. 'She came to see the elves. To meet that half of her blood face to face. We found our mother, and our cursed demon father. What more would she want with this place?'
Then a thought came to him, almost not his own. 'More elves live in the capitol, and that's where the temple is. She was shunned by her real mother, perhaps she wants to be forgiven by the Elven Mother Goddess.'
Rheen nodded, and began to march northwest towards the river. This would guide him to the elven capitol. He stoped by the trees at the edge of the clearing, and whiped the last of his tears from his face. Turning to look one last time on the split boy he was leaving behind. One last look of worry crossed his face before he turned to leave. He worried not for the crime that he commited, nor the life that he took, but for the chance that this death will forever seperate him from the one he loved.
As this large half demon half elf warrior marched off, a voice could be heard just behind him, too low for his ears to hear over the sound of his own boots. The language was elven, the kind spoken only by the young, the voice was that of a boy. "It's ok red one, I forgive you."
you wouldn't be trying to controll me now would you, my son?
i am much older than you, son, and your little tricks don't work on me!
oh, young-one, you have much to learn...
just for that, now i'm not going to tell you