The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.

thats it in a nutshell....work on it my lovelies.....
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

maybe not so much ont the violence although i do beat myself up on a regular basis...
really? they've never worked for me. Maybe I should try again.
for some reason i thought for a moment that my life meant something..........what a twat.....

i surrender

that's it

game over

let me shake your hand
if i disconnect anymore i think i'll just disappear alltogether................
all the ducks are swimming in the water
la de da de da da
la de da de da da

i do love them lemon jelly smile
i think that i do not know what i am doing....it seems to pass me by without me understanding properly what is going on.................

i'm a bystander at an accident that i'm in.....and i just look at it thinking "poor bastard someone put him out of his misery" and no one does...they just stare at it...and so do i.

i have nothing to offer
i bring nought to the table
the cupboard is bare
i'm less than slightly able

the river's run dry
it's the end of the cable
i cannot go on
just living this fable

so i'll go off now
don't bolt the stable
i'd end it all
but i don't think i'm able

i feel like closing down for a while, disconnect from everything for a while, if i don't i'm gonna burst..
getting the stars on the arm finished...going for nauticals i think.

going up there with becca...she likes martin the tattoo guy and i'm fine with that.....

feeling incredibly normal at the moment...no requirement to vent my spleen or get the heartache out

still don't like myself and still have all those hang-ups as mentioned before but they (for the moment) feel just one step away.

give it a few days and i'm sure they'll pop along to say hi........

dying is probably a good idea.......

it will certainly be an end to all problems...mine, hers, there's, maybe everybodies....

if i die can i cleanse the world's soul?.......it certainly feels like that at this moment.....

i need to get away.......new zealand maybe and to raelene my lost love.........

it's the the only hope that i have......... cling on mutha fucka!!!!
i'm running out of cash...i have to sell everything.......offers on my soul anyone?