I'm incredibly hungover and I barely drank anything last night. Wtf?!
Anyway. Today starts day 1 of quit smoking when you drink sobriety.
It also marks the 8th consecutive day I have not had meat, chicken, or fish. I don't miss the first two. But I miss sushi, so I guess, in any attempt to ever become vegetarian, I just cannot give up raw fish. I don't eat cooked fish. Ever and I only have sushi like once or twice a month, but still, can't give it up completely.
Tomorrow marks day 1 of an intense workout routine and very strict dieting.
blyde had made some amazing progress with her weightloss and she gave me some tips. she said she went without carbs and dairy in her diet, now I cannot give up skim milk. Ever. I honestly do believe that my insane amount of milk consumption is what has kept me for the most part unharmed in horseback riding accidents. So many, it would be a blog in itself to actually talk about. But, I have only suffered one fracture in my entire life of riding, I got kicked in the chest at the ripe age of 8 and fractured my first rib (the first one under your collarbone) about an inch from the center of my sternum).
But I am willing to give up carbs for a while. this is going to be especially difficult because well......my school is chock full of fucking carbs. On some days I can actually pack my lunch; Mondays and Wednesdays, because I have an hour and 40 minutes between classes, so I can go to my car and get my lunch out of there (my laptop bag cannot hold a lunch bag). However, on Fridays my classes are back to back, so I will more than likely get my veggie wrap, and just not eat the wrap, it'll basically turn into a salad. I just wish they had a different option as a side rather than fucking french fries.
I still have a serious crush on OSK. I saw him last night while I was out with my friends again at Graveyard...I swear to god the guy could wear a brown paper bag as a tshirt and I'd still want him to hug me hard and I'd still gush over how fucking cute he is.
But then there's another guy, but he doesn't even fucking live in this state and it frustrates me because I think about him constantly and it's like pulling teeth trying to see him. But, we are both seriously attracted to one another and he gets my humor. Lol. Fuck. Oh and he's tattooed. He's pretty much my dream guy, other than the whole distance thing. And he's suuuuuuuuper fucking talented.
What else...I was going to write this blog with a completely different goal in mind at first...and now I've completely lost it.
Oh well. Here's pictures of more cupcakes I made today:
I totally remembered the point of this blog.
I would love input on Zivity.
bitten gave me an invite for Zivity so I could check it out.
But how does everything work?
How do you get started on there?
I'm going to keep browsing around on the site, but I would love to hear information from people who actually have some personal experience with the site.
Thank you!!!
Oh and I'm updating my wish list. It's weird.
Anyway. Today starts day 1 of quit smoking when you drink sobriety.
It also marks the 8th consecutive day I have not had meat, chicken, or fish. I don't miss the first two. But I miss sushi, so I guess, in any attempt to ever become vegetarian, I just cannot give up raw fish. I don't eat cooked fish. Ever and I only have sushi like once or twice a month, but still, can't give it up completely.
Tomorrow marks day 1 of an intense workout routine and very strict dieting.
blyde had made some amazing progress with her weightloss and she gave me some tips. she said she went without carbs and dairy in her diet, now I cannot give up skim milk. Ever. I honestly do believe that my insane amount of milk consumption is what has kept me for the most part unharmed in horseback riding accidents. So many, it would be a blog in itself to actually talk about. But, I have only suffered one fracture in my entire life of riding, I got kicked in the chest at the ripe age of 8 and fractured my first rib (the first one under your collarbone) about an inch from the center of my sternum).
But I am willing to give up carbs for a while. this is going to be especially difficult because well......my school is chock full of fucking carbs. On some days I can actually pack my lunch; Mondays and Wednesdays, because I have an hour and 40 minutes between classes, so I can go to my car and get my lunch out of there (my laptop bag cannot hold a lunch bag). However, on Fridays my classes are back to back, so I will more than likely get my veggie wrap, and just not eat the wrap, it'll basically turn into a salad. I just wish they had a different option as a side rather than fucking french fries.
I still have a serious crush on OSK. I saw him last night while I was out with my friends again at Graveyard...I swear to god the guy could wear a brown paper bag as a tshirt and I'd still want him to hug me hard and I'd still gush over how fucking cute he is.
But then there's another guy, but he doesn't even fucking live in this state and it frustrates me because I think about him constantly and it's like pulling teeth trying to see him. But, we are both seriously attracted to one another and he gets my humor. Lol. Fuck. Oh and he's tattooed. He's pretty much my dream guy, other than the whole distance thing. And he's suuuuuuuuper fucking talented.
What else...I was going to write this blog with a completely different goal in mind at first...and now I've completely lost it.
Oh well. Here's pictures of more cupcakes I made today:
I totally remembered the point of this blog.
I would love input on Zivity.
bitten gave me an invite for Zivity so I could check it out.
But how does everything work?
How do you get started on there?
I'm going to keep browsing around on the site, but I would love to hear information from people who actually have some personal experience with the site.
Thank you!!!
Oh and I'm updating my wish list. It's weird.
I bought them on the official Ramones shop... you should check Gald to read from you
omg cupcake <3<3<3 i'm working tonight, and then friday and sunday days! no worries if it's a no go, we still need to do dinner one of these days soon, maybe next week once i'm off antibiotics and we can have some adult beverages?