So whoever says the Laws of Attraction are bullshit, kick them immediately in the face. In the face. Nowhere else. And do some damage because they areFUCKING STUPID.
I know that I've been quite moody and ho-hum lately. Well, the first step into getting my ass out of that rut was deciding on Chicago. Who would have thought, that making a decision to move north to a city I have no one, would completely reshape my way of thinking. I'm still sitting here at my computer in Joe's Coffee in East Atlanta Village...and I must look like I'm in love because of the smile that keeps appearing. Like one of those holy shit that person is happy because they can't stop smiling and that smile is fuckin' huuuuuuuge sort of smiles. Yea. That's me. I kind of want to just jump up and dance and jump and scream and yay.
But I must contain myself and type a mile a minute on this laptop to get these words into this blog as fast as possible.
Ok so.
....I made the decision. Step one. Boom. Done.
....Then the excitement of making the decision wore off. Scared shitless time. Step two...which is kind of on-going and reappears constantly. Hello.
....I told my mom, she's supporting me 100% even offered to buy my plane ticket. Fucking awesome. Step three and four getting to Chicago to visit and having a place to stay. <-- Name your price on Priceline is genius.
....figuring out how I can budget October and still make my bills and still go to Chicago, step five, hardest step.
this is where the laws of attraction come into play
I called my grandfather today because he failed to call me back tuesday night like he said he would. so we were talking about random stuff, had a letter from the lawyer made it to me about my inheritance yet, how's my cold, how's school. blah blah. well then he busts out with "so have you made any firm decisions on what you're going to do next year about getting into a better 4 year school? i kept answering "i don't know" to try and avoid the conversation. which com-pleeeeeeetely backfired on me because my grandpa hates the answer "i don't know." fuck.
so, i said, "i was wanting to wait until thanksgiving to talk to you about this, but since it's coming up now, i am applying to other schools, not in georgia"
grandpa: "really? why?"
me: "i really have been thinking on this for a long time, and you know it's a recurring theme in conversations with you, that i am not happy in atlanta. i haven't been happy for some time. i don't want to be in atlanta anymore."
granpa: "ok, well where were you thinking of applying to?"
word vomit: "chicago"
grandpa: laughs and proceeds to tell me about the weather and asked "why chicago?"
me: "why not? you know i can't stand the heat. i probably won't need a car up there, it's the same price as atlanta in the neighborhoods i'm looking into, all of the schools i could go to are on one of the el lines. and i can walk, a lot of places."
surprisingly enough, there wasn't any argument at all from him. i figured, and so did my mom, he wouldn't be thrilled at all about this choice, and that he would try to talk me into moving back to nc to live with him.
he responded with "well, your lease is up in like june right? so i imagine you'll be leaving then huh?"
like seriously i feel like i should go run into a wall just to be sure i'm not dreaming all of this up lmao.
so i proceeded to finally send in my applications to the schools. i paid -ONE- application fee. all others were waived. that's like $90 of application fees waived. well probably more like $75-80, but still.
and i meet all of the minimum requirements without my credits from this semester. gpa. credit hours. all of it. i wrote an essay to one. i think i did amazing.
the story isn't over...there's still more laws of attraction stuff coming.
so i ran my budget to send to my grandpa, overshot a couple of things that he's not too concerned with, like groceries and gas.
so i brought up, at the end of the budget conversation how my mom was going to buy my ticket and i pay for my hotel. i asked him if he had them, and was willing, could i use some of his sky miles towards a ticket and i'll pay the $10 in taxes, to fly to chicago, that way my mom can help me with a hotel. he said yes and to give him the dates after i talk to my mom.

that was that easy too?
i haven't wanted something like this, like where i am putting every fucking fiber of my being into this in forever. i didn't even apply myself this hard to the horses stuff.
so i can only assume, that since i am basically already picturing myself living in chicago, have found the schools i want to go to, have even decided on what neighborhoods to look at, and have networked and made 2 friends who are showing me around...my mind is already living in chicago and that is why, the universe is rewarding me with everything as far as visiting and support from my family is concerned.
now i have to be sure to kick ass this semester. get a job over christmas vacay since my gramps will be in guam. and figure out if i'm going to school in the spring here in georgia. and plan my move to chicago.
i have a very busy 7 months ahead of me.
and i couldn't be happier.
oh and the awesome part.
since i'm sure my mom will help me with a hotel, and the ticket is practically free...i can go up to chicago a day earlier than planned. winning. yea. i said it.

photobomb by my friend jon

my bubs in his favorite spot this morning. lol
So whoever says the Laws of Attraction are bullshit, kick them immediately in the face. In the face. Nowhere else. And do some damage because they areFUCKING STUPID.
I know that I've been quite moody and ho-hum lately. Well, the first step into getting my ass out of that rut was deciding on Chicago. Who would have thought, that making a decision to move north to a city I have no one, would completely reshape my way of thinking. I'm still sitting here at my computer in Joe's Coffee in East Atlanta Village...and I must look like I'm in love because of the smile that keeps appearing. Like one of those holy shit that person is happy because they can't stop smiling and that smile is fuckin' huuuuuuuge sort of smiles. Yea. That's me. I kind of want to just jump up and dance and jump and scream and yay.
But I must contain myself and type a mile a minute on this laptop to get these words into this blog as fast as possible.
Ok so.
....I made the decision. Step one. Boom. Done.
....Then the excitement of making the decision wore off. Scared shitless time. Step two...which is kind of on-going and reappears constantly. Hello.
....I told my mom, she's supporting me 100% even offered to buy my plane ticket. Fucking awesome. Step three and four getting to Chicago to visit and having a place to stay. <-- Name your price on Priceline is genius.
....figuring out how I can budget October and still make my bills and still go to Chicago, step five, hardest step.
this is where the laws of attraction come into play
I called my grandfather today because he failed to call me back tuesday night like he said he would. so we were talking about random stuff, had a letter from the lawyer made it to me about my inheritance yet, how's my cold, how's school. blah blah. well then he busts out with "so have you made any firm decisions on what you're going to do next year about getting into a better 4 year school? i kept answering "i don't know" to try and avoid the conversation. which com-pleeeeeeetely backfired on me because my grandpa hates the answer "i don't know." fuck.
so, i said, "i was wanting to wait until thanksgiving to talk to you about this, but since it's coming up now, i am applying to other schools, not in georgia"
grandpa: "really? why?"
me: "i really have been thinking on this for a long time, and you know it's a recurring theme in conversations with you, that i am not happy in atlanta. i haven't been happy for some time. i don't want to be in atlanta anymore."
granpa: "ok, well where were you thinking of applying to?"
word vomit: "chicago"
grandpa: laughs and proceeds to tell me about the weather and asked "why chicago?"
me: "why not? you know i can't stand the heat. i probably won't need a car up there, it's the same price as atlanta in the neighborhoods i'm looking into, all of the schools i could go to are on one of the el lines. and i can walk, a lot of places."
surprisingly enough, there wasn't any argument at all from him. i figured, and so did my mom, he wouldn't be thrilled at all about this choice, and that he would try to talk me into moving back to nc to live with him.
he responded with "well, your lease is up in like june right? so i imagine you'll be leaving then huh?"
like seriously i feel like i should go run into a wall just to be sure i'm not dreaming all of this up lmao.
so i proceeded to finally send in my applications to the schools. i paid -ONE- application fee. all others were waived. that's like $90 of application fees waived. well probably more like $75-80, but still.
and i meet all of the minimum requirements without my credits from this semester. gpa. credit hours. all of it. i wrote an essay to one. i think i did amazing.
the story isn't over...there's still more laws of attraction stuff coming.
so i ran my budget to send to my grandpa, overshot a couple of things that he's not too concerned with, like groceries and gas.
so i brought up, at the end of the budget conversation how my mom was going to buy my ticket and i pay for my hotel. i asked him if he had them, and was willing, could i use some of his sky miles towards a ticket and i'll pay the $10 in taxes, to fly to chicago, that way my mom can help me with a hotel. he said yes and to give him the dates after i talk to my mom.

that was that easy too?
i haven't wanted something like this, like where i am putting every fucking fiber of my being into this in forever. i didn't even apply myself this hard to the horses stuff.
so i can only assume, that since i am basically already picturing myself living in chicago, have found the schools i want to go to, have even decided on what neighborhoods to look at, and have networked and made 2 friends who are showing me around...my mind is already living in chicago and that is why, the universe is rewarding me with everything as far as visiting and support from my family is concerned.
now i have to be sure to kick ass this semester. get a job over christmas vacay since my gramps will be in guam. and figure out if i'm going to school in the spring here in georgia. and plan my move to chicago.
i have a very busy 7 months ahead of me.
and i couldn't be happier.
oh and the awesome part.
since i'm sure my mom will help me with a hotel, and the ticket is practically free...i can go up to chicago a day earlier than planned. winning. yea. i said it.

photobomb by my friend jon

my bubs in his favorite spot this morning. lol
you look happier in those pictures than i think i've ever seen you look in real life. i'm glad things are starting to work out for you dude!