the week from hell came to a close I am left with this.
A douche bag dumped me and it still bothers me.
i need to get to the root of why this is bothering me
I feel like a shit popsicle warmed up.
i think i started getting sick friday. i trained roger and was in bed by 9 and dead to the world before 10pm hit
I need new friends.
i decided to hang out with some friends at my regular bar, the local, and then with different friends at a shit club, the gold room. the local wasn't bad, in fact, i have never had a bad night there, sober or drinking. gold room...different story. i was shot a text at like 12:45 by of the people i'm seriously reconsidering having as a friend. ran into a friend who works the door and he got me in for free since christie told me as i was pulling in, the bartender's list had expired. i get in..everyone is shithammered. Steve and Christie I worked with, Steve's hot brother Mike was there as well, and this girl Jesarella. Well turns out Jesarella whores herself out to whomever will take a bite. I was in the middle of talking to Mike...she grabs his face and pulls him away and starts dancing...fine ok..drunk whore. So then I'm talking to MY FRIEND Steve (different from the one who I worked with) and she starts grabbing him trying to rub on him and shit because she realized he's the nightlife photographer there...that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have next to no tolerance for drunk whores when I'm sober. None. Whatsoever. So I told her to chill the fuck out..which was a mistake on my part bc...everyone else was hammered. So then I get accused of being me what alcoholic beverages I've been drinking to get me wasted. Unless you roofied my Red're fucking stupid. So of course it was my fault and everyone, including Christie got mad at me bc I called her a drunk whore. Mind you..Christie and I have been friends for the past year....her and I met Jeserella the same time on a boat at Lake Lanier 4th of July weekend. 20-20 hindsight Christie has blown me off numerous times for this chick. What. The. Fuck. Ever.
So here I am...25 years old with all the guy friends in the world once again and no girl friends surrounded by chicks who thrive off of drama and being assholes.
So I guess, even though she works so much, I'll be spending my time hanging with violently at her work because she's the only fucking person with a vagina and tits that I know in this God forsaken city who isn't full of shit.
Of course this will be after my eyes have stopped being itchy and watery, my nose isn't all snotted up, I have a voice again, and I don't ache.
I didn't post in any other because I was convinced it was due to stress, but I started my period 7 fucking days late. That's a pretty big gap in time to be late. I think the most I've ever been was like 2 maybe 3 days. Color me scared shitless bc I really didn't want to be pregnant and especially not by Keith.
I realize that I waste food at school. I get a veggie wrap every time I'm here and only eat half of the wrap then throw the rest away. I need to start packing my lunch.
Anyway, off to class, I'll try to write more then, or I'll post another blog later tonight or update with pictures.
Yes....I'll update with pictures
A douche bag dumped me and it still bothers me.
i need to get to the root of why this is bothering me
I feel like a shit popsicle warmed up.
i think i started getting sick friday. i trained roger and was in bed by 9 and dead to the world before 10pm hit
I need new friends.
i decided to hang out with some friends at my regular bar, the local, and then with different friends at a shit club, the gold room. the local wasn't bad, in fact, i have never had a bad night there, sober or drinking. gold room...different story. i was shot a text at like 12:45 by of the people i'm seriously reconsidering having as a friend. ran into a friend who works the door and he got me in for free since christie told me as i was pulling in, the bartender's list had expired. i get in..everyone is shithammered. Steve and Christie I worked with, Steve's hot brother Mike was there as well, and this girl Jesarella. Well turns out Jesarella whores herself out to whomever will take a bite. I was in the middle of talking to Mike...she grabs his face and pulls him away and starts dancing...fine ok..drunk whore. So then I'm talking to MY FRIEND Steve (different from the one who I worked with) and she starts grabbing him trying to rub on him and shit because she realized he's the nightlife photographer there...that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have next to no tolerance for drunk whores when I'm sober. None. Whatsoever. So I told her to chill the fuck out..which was a mistake on my part bc...everyone else was hammered. So then I get accused of being me what alcoholic beverages I've been drinking to get me wasted. Unless you roofied my Red're fucking stupid. So of course it was my fault and everyone, including Christie got mad at me bc I called her a drunk whore. Mind you..Christie and I have been friends for the past year....her and I met Jeserella the same time on a boat at Lake Lanier 4th of July weekend. 20-20 hindsight Christie has blown me off numerous times for this chick. What. The. Fuck. Ever.
So here I am...25 years old with all the guy friends in the world once again and no girl friends surrounded by chicks who thrive off of drama and being assholes.
So I guess, even though she works so much, I'll be spending my time hanging with violently at her work because she's the only fucking person with a vagina and tits that I know in this God forsaken city who isn't full of shit.
Of course this will be after my eyes have stopped being itchy and watery, my nose isn't all snotted up, I have a voice again, and I don't ache.
I didn't post in any other because I was convinced it was due to stress, but I started my period 7 fucking days late. That's a pretty big gap in time to be late. I think the most I've ever been was like 2 maybe 3 days. Color me scared shitless bc I really didn't want to be pregnant and especially not by Keith.
I realize that I waste food at school. I get a veggie wrap every time I'm here and only eat half of the wrap then throw the rest away. I need to start packing my lunch.
Anyway, off to class, I'll try to write more then, or I'll post another blog later tonight or update with pictures.
Yes....I'll update with pictures

hate drama....that's why most of my friends are guys. but then again i never see any of my friends since i'm always working out in the middle of nowhere :*( Get better lady!
I hate girls...I almost always have boys as friends because I always get used by much drama
hope things get better sweetie...also your period can be late due to stress. I have had that issue before.