Hello everyone.
Been a little bit I know. Been busy concentrating on my goals and school, which I hate. Lol. I don't hate it, I just very much dislike it. Getting up at 6am is awful. And that's only to get to school early so I can do homework there since my internet likes to be a whore.
I went to a barn today that's about 30 minutes from my house and rode!!
I have missed being in the saddle so much.
So because I lost the 10lbs this month my gramps asked me to, he had said originally he would pay for horseback riding, so I did some number crunching and figured out that it's cheaper to buy a horse than pay for lessons in the long run. Most of the horses I've seen are no more than $1500, lesson once per week would average out to almost $2000/year.
So I know there's a lot more that goes into owning, so that's where this comes in:
Move OTP (away from the city again) and get an apartment that's $300 or more less than my apartment now....saves $3600/year which can cover boarding!
Then because I'd have a horse to ride WHENEVER that would save $30/month on a gym membership which is $360/year.
Not to mention, I wouldn't have to go so often to a shrink to talk about issues, because one of the things we have realized.....not having horses in my life has been one of the biggest impacts on my level of happiness. I know I have Marley and all that, but really, my passion towards horses and riding...cannot be measured. And just my overall feeling when I'm riding, I honestly don't think about anything, not bills, not school, not boys...it's just myself and the horse bonding, the smells, the sights...nature. Omg.
So yea. That's where I'm at right now.
It doesn't hurt that the new guy, I'll refer to him as...I dunno, we'll come back to this....completely supports me getting back into riding, and is excited for me, and even said "yes, get one, so I can learn."
"The Boy" couldn't give a shit less about it. I know I know violently, drop his ass. But I've never broken up with someone before......but on the same note, we are growing apart. Talking less and less. Have only hung out once to see a movie and grab dinner, that's it. Maybe we're just better off as friends. He's not a bad person when it comes to that.
So anyway.
It's already way past my bed time.
6am comes quite quickly these days!

Been a little bit I know. Been busy concentrating on my goals and school, which I hate. Lol. I don't hate it, I just very much dislike it. Getting up at 6am is awful. And that's only to get to school early so I can do homework there since my internet likes to be a whore.
I went to a barn today that's about 30 minutes from my house and rode!!
I have missed being in the saddle so much.
So because I lost the 10lbs this month my gramps asked me to, he had said originally he would pay for horseback riding, so I did some number crunching and figured out that it's cheaper to buy a horse than pay for lessons in the long run. Most of the horses I've seen are no more than $1500, lesson once per week would average out to almost $2000/year.
So I know there's a lot more that goes into owning, so that's where this comes in:
Move OTP (away from the city again) and get an apartment that's $300 or more less than my apartment now....saves $3600/year which can cover boarding!
Then because I'd have a horse to ride WHENEVER that would save $30/month on a gym membership which is $360/year.
Not to mention, I wouldn't have to go so often to a shrink to talk about issues, because one of the things we have realized.....not having horses in my life has been one of the biggest impacts on my level of happiness. I know I have Marley and all that, but really, my passion towards horses and riding...cannot be measured. And just my overall feeling when I'm riding, I honestly don't think about anything, not bills, not school, not boys...it's just myself and the horse bonding, the smells, the sights...nature. Omg.
So yea. That's where I'm at right now.
It doesn't hurt that the new guy, I'll refer to him as...I dunno, we'll come back to this....completely supports me getting back into riding, and is excited for me, and even said "yes, get one, so I can learn."
"The Boy" couldn't give a shit less about it. I know I know violently, drop his ass. But I've never broken up with someone before......but on the same note, we are growing apart. Talking less and less. Have only hung out once to see a movie and grab dinner, that's it. Maybe we're just better off as friends. He's not a bad person when it comes to that.
So anyway.
It's already way past my bed time.
6am comes quite quickly these days!

I hate school, too! Homework is killing me.
That is so cool that you ride horses. They truly are beautiful creatures.
A lady who lives on my road bought three for her granddaughter. I live in the middle of the woods so we see a lot of animals like horses and deer around here.

Yeah getting up early does suck, but you get used to it. And about "The Boy", if it doens't feel right, break it off. It'll only get harder the longer it lasts