Well I haven't posted anything since March.
It's been a while.
I have a great job and love it, although it has been somewhat slow since festivals have been going on constantly.
It's called Diesel.
Not a whole lot going on lately. Working a lot.
I met a boy. I absolutely adore the crap outta him
I've been making a lot of great friends.... Read More
1. found an apartment-alone, it's MUCH easier this way
1b. buying a house in the next 12 months!!!!!!!
2. found a job at a bar called Diesel, 4 minute walk from the new place.
3. the Sonic is back with an un-keyed door! $400 later though
4. I have 40 days to lose as much weight as possible-going to NC to see the gramps for... Read More
well fuck me running.....
the place leasing the house FINALLY called me back 5 hours later, only to tell me they rented it out...but the "for rent" sign is still up in front of it.....confused.
back to the drawing board.
this shit is so annoying.
Yea fuck them, everyone has an opinion on the Internet and most say the most dickhead thing they can say because it draws the most attention! That guy just wishes he could even get a hopeful on here much less a SG.
So I'm in the process of moving and finding a roommate and it has been nothing but a pain in my ass.
I never realized how flaky people are.
Soooooooooooooooooo. I'm getting another place of my own, but instead of an apartment, I'm going to be renting out one side of a duplex. I have found a number of them, I'm hoping... Read More
If your going to ship in the US you can do express or priority mail. Of course no matter how good you package something the post office can screw it up. Put the cupcakes in a plastic container. you know the kind with a hing if you were to buy pre made ones from a store. Keeps them from moving around. Package it in a box to where the container wont move and then all over the box write This side up. Only thing that would screw them up is if the post guy flips the box. Then when the weather is hot pack ice packs in the box. I think when summer hits I won't even ship cupcakes unless the person pays overnight. Here it gets hot as hell
Well it's been a while since I last posted a blog.
Sorry about that. I have just been doing a lot of thinking.
With that thinking, I have decided that I'm no longer going to be pursuing shooting sets for SG.
My reasons vary, but I'm beginning to have stronger and stronger feelings, that thick girls just don't really make it on here. Whether that's... Read More
honestly, and i know i'm a minority here, but i really don't get what the big deal is. i did the whole modeling naked on the internet thing, and seriously, i'd take it back now if i could. i don't understand what is prompting people to strive to take their clothes off more and more and make this a goal, like it's an accomplishment. it's not. i mean, yeah, i get it, i did it too. i thought i would feel empowered and sexy. here i am 6 years later and i think it was the dumbest thing i ever did. it empowered absolutely no one and nothing, except some site to make money off me. you want to feel good about yourself, do good things for yourself and for other people that don't make you question who you are and what you look like.
on that note, good luck in whatever you decide. sorry if this seems harsh, i just think you're better than all of this.
I'm incredibly hungover and I barely drank anything last night. Wtf?!
Anyway. Today starts day 1 of quit smoking when you drink sobriety.
It also marks the 8th consecutive day I have not had meat, chicken, or fish. I don't miss the first two. But I miss sushi, so I guess, in any attempt to ever become vegetarian, I just cannot give up raw fish.... Read More
omg cupcake <3<3<3 i'm working tonight, and then friday and sunday days! no worries if it's a no go, we still need to do dinner one of these days soon, maybe next week once i'm off antibiotics and we can have some adult beverages?