Lazy sunday. One of my my roommates moved out today. He has a girlfriend and he's moving in with her. I'm really happy for him she's really cool and he's a great guy. So anyway I'm going to be having a friend from the program stay here for three weeks while he gets his life in order. He's kicking in three hundred of which I be seeing some of which I need badly this month as I'm short. I've become a vegetarian out of lack of cash. Rice cooking right now. "Rice, its amlost free" should be the new rice slogan.
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
In other news one of the semiferal cats I feed has had her kittens. … -
Monday Apr 17, 2006
I got my $800 dollars back from the gambling website where someone wh… -
Friday Apr 07, 2006
Double stuff oreos wrapped in bacon, mmmmm! -
Wednesday Apr 05, 2006
in other news the $800 some jackass charged to my debit card is still… -
Wednesday Apr 05, 2006
I swear I'm gonna go to the nudie shots first someday. thte news wir… -
Monday Mar 27, 2006
I spend way too much time reading the news wire here. I think I spen… -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
Still waiting for the bank to put the money that was stolen back in m… -
Thursday Mar 23, 2006
Who's tha' scamp who used my card? You people suck! -
Wednesday Mar 22, 2006
I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way..... -
Tuesday Mar 21, 2006
Hangover gone. Only took several days.
My roommates are very supportive and glad to see me not drinking and even let my friend form the program come to stay this month aginst the desire to let the house air out. Its been a zoo here with the roommate with the girlfriend being here all the time. As you might imagine the partying here is out of control with some of the best ganga in the world. Luckily I'm was never in to the really shitty drugs like ice, what the locals call meth, and I never got jammed up legally. I just woke up after passing out on this woman I'd somehow picked up with that pitiful incomprehensible demoralization you hear about in the big book. I'm hanging in there but its harded this time. Thanks for caring