Lazy sunday. One of my my roommates moved out today. He has a girlfriend and he's moving in with her. I'm really happy for him she's really cool and he's a great guy. So anyway I'm going to be having a friend from the program stay here for three weeks while he gets his life in order. He's kicking in three hundred of which I be seeing some of which I need badly this month as I'm short. I've become a vegetarian out of lack of cash. Rice cooking right now. "Rice, its amlost free" should be the new rice slogan.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 04, 2006
the 4th. Last year I was tripping balls. Think I'll pass this year.… -
Monday Jul 03, 2006
Sober today. Day like 25. Glad my buddy Chris is here to keep me on… -
Sunday Jul 02, 2006
Lazy sunday. One of my my roommates moved out today. He has a girlf… -
Saturday Jul 01, 2006
we need a graphic novel group. -
Friday Jun 30, 2006
I'mmmm baaaack!!! Missed you guys! So far this summer I have mangae… -
Thursday May 18, 2006
I'm being stalked (T). Will be opening a new account later. laters..… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
My roommate is psychotic, and I know psychotic...He bought rat poison… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
......again with the bored. -
Saturday May 06, 2006
Okay so I actually go out tonite which I never do. I do the bar scen… -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
OMG bored. Maui is beautiful but there is a serious lack of things t…
My roommates are very supportive and glad to see me not drinking and even let my friend form the program come to stay this month aginst the desire to let the house air out. Its been a zoo here with the roommate with the girlfriend being here all the time. As you might imagine the partying here is out of control with some of the best ganga in the world. Luckily I'm was never in to the really shitty drugs like ice, what the locals call meth, and I never got jammed up legally. I just woke up after passing out on this woman I'd somehow picked up with that pitiful incomprehensible demoralization you hear about in the big book. I'm hanging in there but its harded this time. Thanks for caring