I really
need to get laid.
Not the most inspirational entry in the world. So here's my backup plan:
I'm researching Christ's depiction as a virgin in early Christianity (specifically, the conversionary Christianity preached to the Anglo-Saxons) and the problems (if any) this caused to necessary perceptions of him as a masculine warrior king.
On Sunday night I'm going to the Kiwi Music Cafe (the old Pizza Pizza, up those hellish 1850s stairs) for pizza with my mate Craig. He's put $150 on the tab for vege pizza and many many lots of phoenix drinks. I love him big heap right now. He's 22. That's quite old. In fact, I think I'll call him ancient. My treat.
I'm addicted to rice milk.
My back hurts.
I wake up to the classical station in the morning because Hauraki has far too many ads and the reception for Bfm is crap, but only before 10am. Don't ask me, it's a mystery.
I hate Auckland weather. West Auckland is a sea right now. I swear, I'm making an ark and everything. Knowing my luck the possums would manage to get on it.
need to get laid.
Not the most inspirational entry in the world. So here's my backup plan:
I'm researching Christ's depiction as a virgin in early Christianity (specifically, the conversionary Christianity preached to the Anglo-Saxons) and the problems (if any) this caused to necessary perceptions of him as a masculine warrior king.
On Sunday night I'm going to the Kiwi Music Cafe (the old Pizza Pizza, up those hellish 1850s stairs) for pizza with my mate Craig. He's put $150 on the tab for vege pizza and many many lots of phoenix drinks. I love him big heap right now. He's 22. That's quite old. In fact, I think I'll call him ancient. My treat.
I'm addicted to rice milk.
My back hurts.
I wake up to the classical station in the morning because Hauraki has far too many ads and the reception for Bfm is crap, but only before 10am. Don't ask me, it's a mystery.
I hate Auckland weather. West Auckland is a sea right now. I swear, I'm making an ark and everything. Knowing my luck the possums would manage to get on it.
i need to get laid too .... badly
The last time I read you was here and things seemed to be going great....what happened?