I like ze hat.
Conclusion: I'm not a blog person. In the holidays when I have time to burn I will update in a detailed and entertaining manner, but right now, when I've got exams on, I not only have very little to say, but no time to do it in. So none of you be hating on me yo. I'm going to do a journal series of photos for a bit, which are a) reasonably entertaining, and b) don't require much effort on my part. Everyone a winner!
Not that I like mocking the fundie freaks or anything. Which is a lie. But things like this bring it upon themselves. Seriously ladies, we gots ta have sex or use some weirdo's sperm every time we ovulate! Or it's murder! Please, someone who isn't me (I don't want to be anywhere near them) tell them that the menstrual cycle happens for a REASON and that it is almost physically impossible, and at least very unadvisable, to be pregnant CONSTANTLY. Note that wasting sperm is also 'wrong'. Condoms = Satan. I want that on a shirt.
Ironically, some things are overlooked in this argument, like so. Using their logic, women must be banned from eating foods which may stop them from letting da pweshus babby feeeeeeeeetus live.
In fact...why not control all of our lives in every minute way?
Ban tampons! We should never need them!
"Ejaculation into any location other than a fertile woman's vagina would be an abomination." Dudes, I LIKE anal sex.
'Oh Orwel...dance with me tonight, in the moonlight, tell me what is reeeeeaaaalll, show me how to feeeel and thinkright...'
It's a song I've just decided to compose. Got a nice ring to it. I'll sing it at the funeral they're inspired me to hold for my period. Cos it could have been a baby. Maybe.
If her mate lacks self-control, he should develop his oral and manual skills at pleasing her. Few if any women can honestly claim that they can only be satisfied through penetration.
Studies show that a very VERY large percentage of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone.
The rest of it is ridiculous, though. ^_^