Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Back and badder than ever, in zuloform. I've put three days worth of journal into one handy, difficult to read format. It's cos I love ya dollface.
I've been at several medieval conferences and exhibitions, getting work (monetary-wise) cleaning for rad lesbians.
Tonight, in honour of the Valentine's Day Bitter and Single get together, we watched Vampyros Lesbos and Clue. The former was godawful, homophobic as hell and runs on the premise that all women have touchy feely Mood Music 'soft' sex together. There was much gnawing of one's own arm and shouts of "Fist the bitch!"
Unnethe: "Stop falling for men you idiot!"
unnethe: "But mens are hot!"
Unnethe: "You are totally the worst lesbian I know. Sucker."
I'm off hoarding booty and buccaneering. Arrrrr!
Larina saw me at the Big Gay Out today, but didn't say hi! Well she's still high in my estimation so I shan't send the goblins after her.
It was very cool - got bit sunburnt though. So much eyecandy I was in a state of perpetual almost-orgasm. I WISH! It was also an excuse to wear my 20-sided die t-shirt from dieselsweeties.
Yesterday a group of my friends and I did some photography around where I live in the Waitakeres, and went to cornwallis beach. Though metservice said it would rain (they are usually wrong...) the day was beautiful, and I swam and swam and got some vitamin d.
I made awesome vege, lime and almond couscous for myself and my friends yesterday.
BBQs are hot. So is a pool still being warm enough to swim in at 8pm. Four hours of the X-files in one sitting is my limit, and Ivanova just gets hotter in every B5 episode...
I miss my friends in Brisbane... but I'm going to stay with them for a week in April. Boo yah!
If you're interested in this sort of thing, here's a link to a poem I put up on the BDSM group. I realise BDSM is not to everyone's tastes, so if you want to take a look, you can do so of your own volition. You'll need to be a member to access the group, but frankly, if you're not already one, I have no sympathy for you anyway.
[More buccaneering]
Back and badder than ever, in zuloform. I've put three days worth of journal into one handy, difficult to read format. It's cos I love ya dollface.
I've been at several medieval conferences and exhibitions, getting work (monetary-wise) cleaning for rad lesbians.
Tonight, in honour of the Valentine's Day Bitter and Single get together, we watched Vampyros Lesbos and Clue. The former was godawful, homophobic as hell and runs on the premise that all women have touchy feely Mood Music 'soft' sex together. There was much gnawing of one's own arm and shouts of "Fist the bitch!"
Unnethe: "Stop falling for men you idiot!"
unnethe: "But mens are hot!"
Unnethe: "You are totally the worst lesbian I know. Sucker."
I'm off hoarding booty and buccaneering. Arrrrr!
Larina saw me at the Big Gay Out today, but didn't say hi! Well she's still high in my estimation so I shan't send the goblins after her.
Yesterday a group of my friends and I did some photography around where I live in the Waitakeres, and went to cornwallis beach. Though metservice said it would rain (they are usually wrong...) the day was beautiful, and I swam and swam and got some vitamin d.
I made awesome vege, lime and almond couscous for myself and my friends yesterday.
BBQs are hot. So is a pool still being warm enough to swim in at 8pm. Four hours of the X-files in one sitting is my limit, and Ivanova just gets hotter in every B5 episode...
I miss my friends in Brisbane... but I'm going to stay with them for a week in April. Boo yah!
If you're interested in this sort of thing, here's a link to a poem I put up on the BDSM group. I realise BDSM is not to everyone's tastes, so if you want to take a look, you can do so of your own volition. You'll need to be a member to access the group, but frankly, if you're not already one, I have no sympathy for you anyway.
hey whats up
Vampryos Lesbos is groovy, although too many unexplained shots of the creeping scorpion, during odd times. Montages? Dunno. Check out "She Killed in Ecstacy"; Same director, same time period, groovy mustaches. Cheers.