<comes in pants> Still I lust after you </comes in pants>
So, I had a Londo Mollari moment yesterday morning. While I didn't gnaw my own arm off, it was difficult to pursuade the man in question (who admitted his Catholicism after his freak-out due to kinky sex) to leave my abode. He said 'I'll call you', I hope he doesn't.
Jebus Mary and Joseph, someone find me a nice geeky academic. I think I'll stick to my guns and preferences. Also, I feel gyped if my significant other can't snigger at my apt real-life sirname: Leete. Yeah, for reals yo.
If I have a boy child, his middle name is going to be hacksaw. Actually, if I have a girl child too.
Perhaps my addiction to gaming and the intramanet is not healthy. Well, I'm balancing it by going for a daily run. w00t?
Go send newark love. He's a very talented poet. I'm worried about him after what happened to wolfmoon98.
Diversion for those that appreciate this sort of thing, my updated geek code:
GAT/C/H/L>$ d?(---) s++:-- a---@(?) C++(+++) !U P L+>++ E- W+++(--) N+(*) !o
K--- w(---) !O M(-) V? PS++ PE Y+ PGP+@ t+++(*) 5++++ X+ R+*(++) tv b+++(++++)
DI+@ D++ G++(+++) e++>++++$(*) h(*)>h+ r+(*) X++(**)
(I totally can refuse to answer a question on unix!)
So, I'm going to go for my run, then dye my hair. Then paint some more.
Tee hee
Update, Later:
I've added some new pictures. They'd make my mother fret, so that means they'll probably have a warm reception. Indulging in my exhibitionism...
Watched The Italian Job tonight, quite good in parts. Awful in others. Like a bad porn movie with mood music, waiting to unfold, but it didn't. Disappointing.
I'm continuing with my analysis of The Robber Bride. It's really quite and awful book. I mean, I almost slit my wrists and bled all over it, just to make it cry.
I'm off to inhale acrylic and oil fumes and paint the canvas equivalent of Kubla Khan. [One of these two actions is a complete lie.]
Today I got told I think like a straight male.

So, I had a Londo Mollari moment yesterday morning. While I didn't gnaw my own arm off, it was difficult to pursuade the man in question (who admitted his Catholicism after his freak-out due to kinky sex) to leave my abode. He said 'I'll call you', I hope he doesn't.
Jebus Mary and Joseph, someone find me a nice geeky academic. I think I'll stick to my guns and preferences. Also, I feel gyped if my significant other can't snigger at my apt real-life sirname: Leete. Yeah, for reals yo.
If I have a boy child, his middle name is going to be hacksaw. Actually, if I have a girl child too.
Perhaps my addiction to gaming and the intramanet is not healthy. Well, I'm balancing it by going for a daily run. w00t?
Go send newark love. He's a very talented poet. I'm worried about him after what happened to wolfmoon98.

Diversion for those that appreciate this sort of thing, my updated geek code:
GAT/C/H/L>$ d?(---) s++:-- a---@(?) C++(+++) !U P L+>++ E- W+++(--) N+(*) !o
K--- w(---) !O M(-) V? PS++ PE Y+ PGP+@ t+++(*) 5++++ X+ R+*(++) tv b+++(++++)
DI+@ D++ G++(+++) e++>++++$(*) h(*)>h+ r+(*) X++(**)
(I totally can refuse to answer a question on unix!)
So, I'm going to go for my run, then dye my hair. Then paint some more.

Tee hee
Update, Later:
I've added some new pictures. They'd make my mother fret, so that means they'll probably have a warm reception. Indulging in my exhibitionism...
Watched The Italian Job tonight, quite good in parts. Awful in others. Like a bad porn movie with mood music, waiting to unfold, but it didn't. Disappointing.
I'm continuing with my analysis of The Robber Bride. It's really quite and awful book. I mean, I almost slit my wrists and bled all over it, just to make it cry.
I'm off to inhale acrylic and oil fumes and paint the canvas equivalent of Kubla Khan. [One of these two actions is a complete lie.]
Today I got told I think like a straight male.
[Edited on Jan 18, 2005 7:19PM]