The following entry is dedicated to Baudot, fellow being of more opportunistic sexual affections and supporter of the island utopian ideal.
Welcome to my island. Sit, stay a while...
Population: tyre.
Hot girls per square meter: 42.
Beach bars: 5.
Dubious tropical cocktail recipes per hot girl: 14.
Pirates most welcome.
Leave your clothes at the door, you won't need them here.
P.S: Wowzah to getting an A+ in my Byron paper (sucks to Byron!

Welcome to my island. Sit, stay a while...
Population: tyre.
Hot girls per square meter: 42.
Beach bars: 5.
Dubious tropical cocktail recipes per hot girl: 14.
Pirates most welcome.
Leave your clothes at the door, you won't need them here.

P.S: Wowzah to getting an A+ in my Byron paper (sucks to Byron!

why thank you i like your glasses, and i wouldnt mind going to that island in your journal sometime, lol hey dont stop being sarcastic, i love it, my little brother once wrote a paper on me about how i taught him sarcasm, i was touched, lol anyway i cant go a day with out being sarcastic, nor should you, though i really doubt it will ever not be fun
