Does anyone else really dislike Byron? It's terribly unfashionable to say so, but I find him a nancing twit who really needed a good, sharp slap upside the head and some sound life-advice. As for his work, Don Juan has its moments, but Childe Harold and Manfred are overblown drivel, as are the rest of his short poems. A man who feels the need to take up a canto in a poem of unrelated topic to insult his fellow (rather good) poets, is not a man I care to read. In fact, I would quite happily kick him in the shin. Yes, I am really not enjoying this paper.
It was a mistake to move past the 17th century in my studies.
Thrice-damned poncing modernists and their 'Romantic' ideals...
It was a mistake to move past the 17th century in my studies.

Thrice-damned poncing modernists and their 'Romantic' ideals...

Glad you have upbeat news, sorry to hear about the downbeat news, and hope you have a nice weekend.
I don't have much to say on Byron, but his daughter was the picture of awesomeness.