So I decided it was time to trim my friends list. I didn't do it out of spite, pettiness, or any other negative reason. I just felt like there were far too many people on it that I never talk to, and I don't really see the point in keeping them there other than to say "I've met and/or been drunk in the same room as this person." So if you manage to live the rest of your life without even noticing that it happened, then it was meant to not be. If you do notice and you're wondering why, consider one of the following:
- As far as I can tell, we have nothing in common.
- We've met, but we've never had a real conversation. Or a fake one, for that matter.
- We don't know each others secret real-life names.
- I've never met you and we don't interact online in any way.
- You openly refused to share your liquor with me.
- We've never made out.
- We have made out, and I wished we hadn't.
- We've never discused the finer ponts of karate movies that changed our lives.
- You're the kind of person who rolls their eyes whenever I try to be funny.
To sum it up, I really wish I could be around more often. Part of the reason I decided to trim my friends list was because I felt like I was being a bad friend. I don't know what's going on in most of your lives right now, and I have no idea what's been happening on the site in general. I figure the less people I have to worry about, the better I'll feel about myself. And that's all that really matters in a real friendship. Right?
So there's that. In other news, I have yet to secure the video of my spectacular jiu-jitsu defeat, but I assure you it's out there, in the hands of a very busy man. It's not so much the fight I want to share with everyone, I really just want to show you how fantastic my ass looks in tiny wrestling shorts. Upon seeing that part of the video, I quickly looked over my own shoulder to make sure the ass I was seeing on screen was the same one I sit on everyday. Anyway, here's a picture of my team after they finished destroying their respective divisions and me after I finished getting destroyed in mine.
As you can see, we are a beautiful example of cultural diversity, exactly one rainbow and one pure-blooded aryan short of completing the perfect poster for world harmony. We were also the only non-white team in the entire tournament, which, instead of making us feel like the melting pot that the tournament so desperately needed, actually made us feel like the evil communist karate terrorists fighting against every white competetor's freedom and/or chances of becoming the prom king.

- As far as I can tell, we have nothing in common.
- We've met, but we've never had a real conversation. Or a fake one, for that matter.
- We don't know each others secret real-life names.
- I've never met you and we don't interact online in any way.
- You openly refused to share your liquor with me.
- We've never made out.
- We have made out, and I wished we hadn't.
- We've never discused the finer ponts of karate movies that changed our lives.
- You're the kind of person who rolls their eyes whenever I try to be funny.
To sum it up, I really wish I could be around more often. Part of the reason I decided to trim my friends list was because I felt like I was being a bad friend. I don't know what's going on in most of your lives right now, and I have no idea what's been happening on the site in general. I figure the less people I have to worry about, the better I'll feel about myself. And that's all that really matters in a real friendship. Right?
So there's that. In other news, I have yet to secure the video of my spectacular jiu-jitsu defeat, but I assure you it's out there, in the hands of a very busy man. It's not so much the fight I want to share with everyone, I really just want to show you how fantastic my ass looks in tiny wrestling shorts. Upon seeing that part of the video, I quickly looked over my own shoulder to make sure the ass I was seeing on screen was the same one I sit on everyday. Anyway, here's a picture of my team after they finished destroying their respective divisions and me after I finished getting destroyed in mine.

As you can see, we are a beautiful example of cultural diversity, exactly one rainbow and one pure-blooded aryan short of completing the perfect poster for world harmony. We were also the only non-white team in the entire tournament, which, instead of making us feel like the melting pot that the tournament so desperately needed, actually made us feel like the evil communist karate terrorists fighting against every white competetor's freedom and/or chances of becoming the prom king.

and if we had made out, you would still keep me on your friends list.
[Edited on Aug 15, 2005 3:33PM]