It has been brought to my attention that as many as most to all of you take one look at my lengthy journal entries and immediately click the back button on your browser. Most of you attribute this to a lack of time or whatever, but I don't buy that since one look into most of your recent comment logs will reveal mind-melting amounts of time spent on this site. No, I like to think it has more to do with a little friend of mine known as INTIMIDATION! I'm not oblivious to the type of world we live in. I know that strong attention spans are about as abundant as books that don't get turned into movies. But I try, you mongoloids. I try to give you something more than "Hey! My life is still shit today! Blam, bitch, I got wicked tore up this weekend!" I'm an entertainer to the end, and I sweat blood for YOU. When I'm not using my past journal entires to pad my growing freelance writing portfolio, I pretend that your laughter gland is sitting in a puddle of bile, cold and alone. I imagine that it NEEDS me and my special brand of comedy-jitsu. Sometimes I imagine these things while slowly touching myself. But despite my desperate attempts to gain popularity through amusement, I am forced to turn to democracy and hold a vote.
-Those that would like to see one or two lines every other day about my boring ass life, please say so now and then shoot yourselves, because the rest of your life is only going to be downhill.
-Those that wish to continue checking back here every week in the hopes of finding out about the latest shitty movies and other hilarious subjects, please say "you go, girl!" now.
-Those that would like to see one or two lines every other day about my boring ass life, please say so now and then shoot yourselves, because the rest of your life is only going to be downhill.
-Those that wish to continue checking back here every week in the hopes of finding out about the latest shitty movies and other hilarious subjects, please say "you go, girl!" now.

I'm not too worried about being wiped out by stronger, faster members. I make up for it with stupid faces.
I refuse to say that. But if you stop with your longityness, I'll kill you.