For any of you wondering about the circumstances that lead to my brother moving in with me here in NY, just read the following article from our hometown's local paper.
Lorenz Preaches Hate
In 1999, Perry Lorenz stated in the San Jose Mercury News that he was leaving California to escape multiculturalism. He was quoted as saying that he was moving "to a whiter place where everyone speaks English and nobody tries to make you feel guilty for being white." The place Lorenz chose to move is Fort Collins, CO.
On Oct. 6, in his paid political advertisement titled, "Don't Blame Teachers and Schools for Performance Gap," Lorenz's message is clear. He believes that "Blacks and Hispanics" are less intelligent than "Whites" and promotes a policy that presumably would separate students with darker skin pigmentation from students with lighter skin pigmentation. These less-intelligent dark-skinned children would be given three years to do the work "white" kids do in two years.
Mr. Lorenz, I do not know who told you that Fort Collins was a town that would support your racist theories and white supremacist ideology, but we don't need it in our community, and we certainly don't need it in our schools. Don't feel guilty for being white, Mr. Lorenz; feel guilty for being intolerant and preaching hate.
As well intentioned as the writer of this article was, I have to assume they were white. Because as much as Mr. Lorenz's ideology differs from my own, we both see something similar in the state of that stupid town. What the writer fails to realize is that the schools already run like that, there's just no one officially in charge of organizing it yet. Please welcome the new superindentant, Mr. Lorenz, which is why he's moving there.
Lorenz Preaches Hate
In 1999, Perry Lorenz stated in the San Jose Mercury News that he was leaving California to escape multiculturalism. He was quoted as saying that he was moving "to a whiter place where everyone speaks English and nobody tries to make you feel guilty for being white." The place Lorenz chose to move is Fort Collins, CO.
On Oct. 6, in his paid political advertisement titled, "Don't Blame Teachers and Schools for Performance Gap," Lorenz's message is clear. He believes that "Blacks and Hispanics" are less intelligent than "Whites" and promotes a policy that presumably would separate students with darker skin pigmentation from students with lighter skin pigmentation. These less-intelligent dark-skinned children would be given three years to do the work "white" kids do in two years.
Mr. Lorenz, I do not know who told you that Fort Collins was a town that would support your racist theories and white supremacist ideology, but we don't need it in our community, and we certainly don't need it in our schools. Don't feel guilty for being white, Mr. Lorenz; feel guilty for being intolerant and preaching hate.
As well intentioned as the writer of this article was, I have to assume they were white. Because as much as Mr. Lorenz's ideology differs from my own, we both see something similar in the state of that stupid town. What the writer fails to realize is that the schools already run like that, there's just no one officially in charge of organizing it yet. Please welcome the new superindentant, Mr. Lorenz, which is why he's moving there.
That's what I was getting at.
Why don't you just pee on me?