What is the point of these journals? Things that I feel compelled to enter, I cannot because there are certain people I wouldn't want to see it, and it's almost guarenteed that they would, therefor I am stuck with nothing to type, negating the entire purpose of it!
I love tea, earl grey spicifically, it's got this bite to it that I can't get enough of, there is this nice little place down the street that has loose tea, LEGIT friggin tea not like bag tea you buy at stop n' shop... And when I order it I have to be a dork and say "earl grey, hot!" like Picard..
Wow tha is an amazing tattoo, how many hours so far? Im still planning my first, need to be positive of my designs befroe anyone goes sticking a needle into me
Woah, you don't find that too often I think it's fun, trying to understand some complexity and chaos theories now, I think it's beyond my understanding
um, i'm, well..... a code nerd. found the link to your band's site in sgboston. i looked at it in mozilla, so i used the netscape version of your site. the links to the mp3s are off in th ns version- they need to go up a level to the root. they're fine in ie, though.