- on unalome's post on deadhandspat's page
- on deadhandspat's photo
- on unalome's photo
- on unalome's photo
- on fave fetish in fetish photography
- on Nipple clams and butt plugs in fetish photography
Y'all are too sweet! In just over a week, I've gotten over 100 more followers, meaning I hit 700! So I can't thank everyone individually, but feel free to message me and introduce yourselves because I love you and your support and I appreciate you more than you could know!
I pierced my philtrum/medusa! (ft. confused/sassy face)
Hope y'all are having a great
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I've got big changes happening in my relationship, there's lots of family drama, I've been going out more, and I got my philtrum pierced and my lip is SO swollen and it makes me feel super ugly so no pics lol.
Don't you dare forget about me ;P
I should have new pictures featuring the new piercing up as soon as this crazy swelling goes...
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Instead of making like a thousand more little status updates, lets just get it all over with in one blog post, shall we?
I've been considering whether or not I should share my Youtube page with you guys? It's not quite up and running yet, but it will be soon. It's nothing sexy, just like real life me talking to a camera about assorted shit,...
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