I lost my 25/month customer today.
That takes me from 75/month to 50/month. It's like the bit in Charlie and the Chocolate factory where Charlie's dad loses his job at the toothpaste factory.
I've responded by looking over the database schema I started for the dating site yesterday, and aggressively applying indexes to it. The failure of one business has made me so more determined this other one will do well.
If I'm going to make it, this is the boat that's taking me there. You walk into a crowded room. A thousand people. Ask, who wants an internet radio. Maybe three will put their hand up. Ask, who wants a girlfriend/boyfriend. About 750 people will put their hand up.
You have no idea how hard I'm willing to fight to make this work. I'm going to use every one of my skills to get this going. On the server side I'm the best server guy I know. I've run colocated servers in datacenters for more than a year. I am an expert at using virtualization to get more performance out of bare metal.
In databases I use indexes like they are a child's toy. I'm no stranger to replication and I know about stored procedures. In PHP I'm fully up to speed on object oriented programming and I've even developed my own framework for pluggable sites which can be replaced in minutes.
I am going to make this work. I'm determined. And I'm skilled.
That takes me from 75/month to 50/month. It's like the bit in Charlie and the Chocolate factory where Charlie's dad loses his job at the toothpaste factory.
I've responded by looking over the database schema I started for the dating site yesterday, and aggressively applying indexes to it. The failure of one business has made me so more determined this other one will do well.
If I'm going to make it, this is the boat that's taking me there. You walk into a crowded room. A thousand people. Ask, who wants an internet radio. Maybe three will put their hand up. Ask, who wants a girlfriend/boyfriend. About 750 people will put their hand up.
You have no idea how hard I'm willing to fight to make this work. I'm going to use every one of my skills to get this going. On the server side I'm the best server guy I know. I've run colocated servers in datacenters for more than a year. I am an expert at using virtualization to get more performance out of bare metal.
In databases I use indexes like they are a child's toy. I'm no stranger to replication and I know about stored procedures. In PHP I'm fully up to speed on object oriented programming and I've even developed my own framework for pluggable sites which can be replaced in minutes.
I am going to make this work. I'm determined. And I'm skilled.