Well the choice is obvious for the best television program and you are savage idiots if you cannot recognize this show as such. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Hands down. Far and beyond. This is the most required viewing for any human being on the planet today. People that are turned off from the show because the characters are too assholish or jerks. Well this is a reflection of all of us. We carry those tendencies with us and we need to get a bit for comfortable with our dark sides(Dayman Nightman AaaahAAAAHHHH). Anyways get used to the characters being unlikeable.
Always Sunny ages like a fine wine after multiple viewings. You realize that they've implanted multiple long running gags and references throughout the seasons and there continuous supply of funny that you can keep going back to the well. The show that could theoretically go forever like Seinfeld. Situational comedy. You have your characters that are placed into different situations and see how they react. Except Always Sunny covers way more interesting fields of topics then Seinfeld. Cults, Politics, Race Relations, Power dynamics in relationships business or otherwise. And there is character progression or arc throughout the seasons especially the supporting cast Cricket, their Parents, even the guy they randomly hit with the car. Each season also has its own special markers. Like Fat Mac, Dennis shirtless, pregnant Dee, No apartment and the gang talking about their favourite musicians Luther Vandross, Steve Winwood etc. The show actually keeps up all the entanglements they get caught up into and come back with some sort of consequence in the show. The shows provides lessons that you take away from it see Dennis's God hole, Mac's talk on Science is Liar Sometimes, LEVERAGE. Come guys this shit is fucking brilliant.
They even speak in meta during their show and their show compared to others see the Gang Tries Desperately to Win An Award. And there certain episodes are so perfectly put together that by the end of the show you are dying laughing or your mind is blown.
They cover all sorts of genres of episodes horror (Ponderosa Wedding Massacre), action (Lethal Weapon), 24 like episode, a single shot ala Birdman Episode, Cartoon, Claymation, Wrestling, the shit goes on and on.
The newest season. Season 10 has been on another level. WOW DENNIS. They gave him free reign to explore his character and he did not disappoint. Fuck get on this show if your are sleeping on it. There's a line drawn in my life either we're homies are not and Its Alway's Sunny in Philadelphia is that line.