Operation mindfuck is in effect. It has taken its talons and grabbed your cerebellum. Given it a shake hither and tither. Split and re-attached your hemispheres. Spit on then washed your third eye with a wiping rag and a toothless smile. Strike hold and pull you by the chest. Taken down to the depths and crushed your insides and then release. Breathe. You are fucking alive. WOOoop. Diddly oop. Spring forth from generations to come. We walk along the same symmetry of the broken togetherness that our forefathers bring to us in ships from a midnight coast. Only flickering candles in the background remind one of a yesterdays home. A place that was sing along songs and hey hey by by the way we're all awesome. This whole thing is awesome. Awesome is a phrase that deserves its overuse today because in fact any of the goings on in existence have their share of awesomeness that is found in just being aware, awake, dis-illusioned, nondual and in the right frame of mind. If you have had in this experience you know what I am talking about. It is real and a hidden gold treasure from the everday. Crouching tiger. Hidden awesomeness.
Brothers fought arm in arm with a taunt? Taught? Taa oott. Tot? Tight taught? I guess when things are tight but in past tense. Fuck. Taught string bringing everything together in these times of many waves of existence crashing at once.
Blah, i just got blown with a condom on by a 20 year old native chick for $80.
I ran down the rails with a shovel in my hand digging it all.
Took out the pails of piss with the guts of handyberty.
Isn't war fucked. War is fucked up! Every bit of human civil respect between us is gone. It goes beyond insanity in the minds found in peaceful conditions. But somehow wars are planned. Wars planned in peace time. People plan wars and others get in line to fight, kill and be killed because of the public relations, or propaganda, or pop CULTure, or brainwashing we get since birth when we come into existence. There always been brain washing in human beings. You are brainwashed in to your social culture or tribe. Or maybe you can say you gain a grid or map of viewing reality in a certain way. Some people can recognize their social, ego, grid and actively interchange their grids of viewing reality, artist grid, shamans grid, scientific grid, philosopher grid, sports grid, games grid, cooking grid etc. But many people are locked into one way of looking at the world they are so tied by it that they are afraid to death of letting it go. Some people confuse the map with territory or the menu for food. These people. These people are compliant with the status quo. They only know the status quo. And others have a view of sole ruling and soul ruling, controlling, bossing, managing, running the everything in complete order, their order. But still this fucks with me.
BUT How people can stand by and purely see strategy or dollars in a war? They are fucked in the head. Aren't they? Of course they are. They are biggest pieces of shit in the world. Fuck them. Move on.
Currently listening to Chilly Gonzalgas. Solo Piano 2.Fucking fantastic.
From what I gather the Rothschilds are a bunch of dicks.
Fuck. Shit. I got the feels.
My stomach is rumbling. I don't know if its the weed. The music. The blowjob but everything coming down on me at once. And I quake. I shake. I feel uncomfortable. I don't like this feel. It goes away but it rumbles in the background knowing it will come back someday. But as it comes it goes. And that overwhelming feeling should be redirected into action of something. Recognizing what it is and moving it through proper action. Hmm I don't know .... Typing feels good however. So continue on hitting down the keys. Blah ha ha ha I am here at that is enough I guess. That feels fun to type. Woop. Woop. Party people!
What a mixed bag of shit ones mind is. Hahah
Well shit grows flowers so theres that.
Walter White and Walt Whitman. What a great set of W's. Side bonus is W looks like boobs. Boobs are awesome aren't they. Essence of boob. What an extraordinary thing.
I put on my strawlike hat that I got from an ex girlfriend because she didn't want it any more. I pull the sides down on it to make it look as cool as it possibly can for being a strawlike 100% polypropylene hat. I feel like shit tired because its 01:57 also feel a little raw(in a good way) on my penis from said previous said blowjob. After tugs it feels good. And another blowjob right now would be fantastic but I don't think that is going to happen. I am going back to the cold north. A hour flight north. But a fly in town. And gets mighty mighty cold in the middle of nowhere. Fuck. I am getting tired. I kind of feel a bit pukey.
Greasy little creases
Fine little dimes
This is the grossest
poem in my mind
Blargggh. I don't even like it. Fuck that shitty poem. Nah gently softly fuck that shitty witty poem. Now its cute.... Kawaii to save the world! I want to end this with a clip from the film Guitar Wolf,