Cuttings through the Fog
I don't want to wake up. My eyes falling back in the soft socket beds. Ready to curl in and masterbate themselves off to sleep. I don't want to wake up. My head is heavy sinking into my neck. Blood slows to snail pace and my fingertips chill. My mouth and mind are delayed. Retarded. My engine is running at slow crude oil wind. (WHYNDD) WHYYNDD, Whyynnndd. Why? Fog rolls into fog. Is it going to be this way forever. Again and again this place of sludge tar sand movements of the mind. Some are firing on all cylinders and I'm on my back kicking like at baby at this dried cement truck trying to get it to start. Maybe its all the breads and grains I eat. Or the late nights of clarity through the bones. The clinging to the spark in the dark. Less destractions and seeing with a telescopic focus. Seeing the star in the room. Burns out the body. The natural release of late night Grrrip. Next thing. Next day. And then you can't hold a conversation with a cloud or clown. The hypnotism strikes again. Here we are. Talking about how fucking cold it is or nodding with a hello. Re-living the horror of how we came to be at this moment. The walls of Jericho crash down on us in the morning and the smoke fills our mind. What is there to build on when our life is a mess. The world is a mess. One fucking heap. I giant ball of mixed trash spinning and gliding forward. Tossing out bits of broken metal and plastic out to space. Leaving a snail trail of waste. Wasted time. Wasted energy. Wasted lives.
A knife is drawn across a neck. Slit. Blood flows out in the silence of a black snake space vaccuum.
The body moves with a jerk as it kicked out in space.
Another pile a waste tossed out there for nobody to find.
Consumed in the eternal dark depths.
Flesh falls away from bone. Jello with some strings in it.
Bone stands still. They can be moving a thousand miles an hour and still look still. Out here with nothing.
Bones like walls crumble in dust. We see this. We know this. Back to cells. Back to molecules. Atoms. Quarks. Ether. Whathaveyou.
Prima Materia.
This is the any and all.
Undeniable. Get it through your head this is where the magic happens.
Fifth dimensional puddy to play with.
Another game to play after this one.
You can sit out as many rounds as you fucking want.
Until you realize you're playing the waiting game.
Undeniable infinite games.
Unless your playing hide and go seek with yourself. Then you can deny the shit out of it when you are hiding.
Pickaboo? You find your tail to bite on?
Circle Spiral pattern motion
0.9999999999999999999999>>>>. . . = 1
Which side are you playing on?
The motion or mirror
The building or the blueprints
Cut throat words of the unheard.