This better be the best weekend ever cause it sure sounds like it heres the agenda:
1.Wake up whenever cause I don't have to work

2.Go buy a new pair of pin striped pants around 1:00

3. Go to Tattoo Shop and get right wrist tattooed at 2:00 (Finally!)

4. Apply Tattoo Goo (TM) at around 5:00 or 7:00

5. Meet friend Travisty and go...
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If all I am is distraction for you then I can't complain, that you can't feel nothing for me. Take all you can find in me blackeyed
I've been reading this girls journal on this site for the longest time...I want to say I understand , I've been there, or I feel this way to....in some cases I can, in some cases I don't have a clue but find myself thinking about it all the time.....is it psychotic obsession? Or is it a form of just wanting to help out....I've never been...
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wow. she definately deserves your non-bs input. i'd be flattered and touched. smile
Not who I think I am, Not who you think I am, Not what you or I think I am.....Definately not who or what you want me to be wink
thank god for that!
where in this Salem business do you live?
Show me a true hero, and I will write you a tragedy, the strongest person in the world is they who stand most alone.... wink
On the Great Way there is no gate, but a thousand paths to choose from, Find the gate and you may walk alone between Heaven and Earth.....on your left will be a wall of fire which continously burns,fed by anger, hatred, and death, on the right is an endless body of water which flows with greed, corruption,and fear, and inbetween this is the white path,...
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A nightmare occured last night, duh.....Why would one have one every night....no exageration, every night....I'm used to them after 6 months, but months will turn into years.....and now I don't think I mind them so much anymore. I almost enjoy them cause their kind of a rush...but othertimes I dont want to go back to sleep.....cause ....Its sometimes a real terror ....Whats worse is that...
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i have night terrors...

Of all things.......a parking ticket is what caught David Berkowitz.....So lucky we are ......So fragile an edge of control we like to call our own...... wink
Well the why I hate my shitty town thread was a good start for today, tobad I got to it far to late, I just went out tonight and it was utter hell, why does everyone do it? Why do I do it? I mean I was a good kid when I was welll....a kid.....why did I have to get raised in this town, Why...
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He took out a small bejeweled knife and put the point to my finger. A drop of blood came forth. I would have cried forth, but something in his expression kept me still, "This is the first colour to remember " he told me. skull
Hey.. I just wanted to say, good pick inre: Fist of Legend. (and pretty much most your other picks too)
My my my still haven't learned our lesson have we? maybe if you keep trusting, then maybe we'll find the one....oh wait they don't exist, so you must just like getting hurt over and over and over and over and over and over mad
i dotn trust anyone. . . then when i find the heart to trust they find someone else and i look to think what if. . . maybe its best to trust? then u can never say what if. . .
Maybe once, but never twice.....and sometimes shame on me for the third time...overly trusting, gets us nowhere but hurt or dead, or just wanting to be.... wink